To Open or Not to Open the Eggs?



  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 220 ★★
    If he does open the eggs he should get the bastion title. He basically got half the milestones by himself.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,853 ★★★★
    Do you actually care?
    If you do, I feel sorry for you.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Goodness me people are so miserable about this. Its a silly bit yall its not that serious.
  • knupdiputsknupdiputs Member Posts: 52
    So some dude has been holding those old crystals for a long time? Huh.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,806 ★★★★★
    He will open the eggs, he’s just waiting for the last 2 hours lol
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 715 ★★★
    I think he should open those eggs, and knowing him deep down, I know he will. He is a nice guy and it’s very unlikely he would keep the eggs and make almost everyone upset. Not everyone would agree that the resources and rewards are useful, but I could really use a chance to pull a pull a good 6 star for my account or even better, a decent 7 star. I also need tier 2 ascension dust for my champs. Time will tell. I think the rewards are pretty good for lower level accounts.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,806 ★★★★★

    I think he should open those eggs, and knowing him deep down, I know he will. He is a nice guy and it’s very unlikely he would keep the eggs and make almost everyone upset. Not everyone would agree that the resources and rewards are useful, but I could really use a chance to pull a pull a good 6 star for my account or even better, a decent 7 star. I also need tier 2 ascension dust for my champs. Time will tell. I think the rewards are pretty good for lower level accounts.

    Bg man has done too many new account challenges to know that the struggle as a lower level is real, he will commit the ultimate sacrifice. For us all.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,853 ★★★★

    smdam38 said:

    Do you actually care?
    If you do, I feel sorry for you.

    Screenshot of shame. It got deleted as soon I saw it. So you repeated your same opinion.

    Just like community can not forget Papa Seatin.
    No one can forget the best F2P content creator.
    I'm not subbed to him, or even Seatin.

    They were the two opposite side of the coin. They both played a massive part bringing the game to popularity.
    Seatin doing the filthy whaling CEO openings,
    While Brian did f2p opening and couldn't pull a blade (lol rip).

    While you are being miserable in forums spreading negetivity, he actually brought business to the game.

    He will open those, I have a feeling.
    But this "duty to the community" shouldn't have been put on his shoulders.
    You can screenshot for days goofy.

    Not being negative and wondering why you think I am?

    Shame? I don’t usually do this but lol.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,853 ★★★★
    “Business to the game” is a hilarious take.
    FO with thinking YouTube is somehow some big part of the game.
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★
    I liked it.
    I thought it was extremely creative and I've never seen something so well thought out and articulated between the company, the community and the content creator before.
    Those who play other games and are part of other communities know how rare this is.
    He'll open the crystal. Just have fun and if you don't like it, ignore it. Being toxic or complaining unnecessarily won't get you anywhere.
    It's not like everything depended on him. I opened 12,000 crystals and wasted a lot of time doing it. Not ironically, what I wanted most was the egg profile picture, the rest of the rewards are kind of irrelevant to me, but for beginners they are very good rewards.
    Do you have any idea what it's like to create an account and in 2 or 3 days have the chance to have access to a 7*? Many people have been playing for years and don't have it or have very few.
    For those who have a more evolved account, the tier 2 primordial dust helps.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    Is it just ONE egg crystal?? If that's the case, I think he should keep it. Getting that crystal might have been a pivotal moment in the game for him, and he wants to hold on to that nostalgia.
  • MorningstarIsBaeMorningstarIsBae Member Posts: 221 ★★★

    It's his eggs. **Ahmm**
    He shouldn't be forced to open them.
    If they gonna auto open then let that happen in silence.

    Putting this toxic community negetivity on a simple player is torture.

    Kabam, Be a sport and unlock top milestone by yourself. Nobody have to put the blame on Brian for this failed event.

    I blame him. I get the point of kabam putting it on him and all. But he would still be selfish and childish. Nobody should give him hate or a hard time going forward regardless. But kabam will get rid of them eventually either way. Why not give 20% of the player base a 7*
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    These eggs are so precious like the first Iphone 😄 Put 'em to an auction, he'll get thousand of dollars 😋
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,396 ★★★★

    It's his eggs. **Ahmm**
    He shouldn't be forced to open them.
    If they gonna auto open then let that happen in silence.

    Putting this toxic community negetivity on a simple player is torture.

    Kabam, Be a sport and unlock top milestone by yourself. Nobody have to put the blame on Brian for this failed event.

    I blame him. I get the point of kabam putting it on him and all. But he would still be selfish and childish. Nobody should give him hate or a hard time going forward regardless. But kabam will get rid of them eventually either way. Why not give 20% of the player base a 7*
    Lol ,they said they won't open the crystals. And if the player base wants the exalted crystal, they should put up at least 5% of the amount of crystals Brian Opened
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,641 ★★★★★

  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    I love how I make a positive-minded post, people just smack the disagree button and then type their own comment saying the same thing and it immediately gets 15 agrees🤣. Dang forums….
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    kvirr said:

    Brian's eggs WILL NOT be automatically opened after the event. The decision to open them will always rest with him.

    Do you think there’s a chance that the game team may decide to give him a title, pfp or anything that could lead him to open the eggs for the better of the universe ?
    Here ya go. Linking you back to the original thread where some ideas were thrown about
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,806 ★★★★★

    kvirr said:

    Brian's eggs WILL NOT be automatically opened after the event. The decision to open them will always rest with him.

    Do you think there’s a chance that the game team may decide to give him a title, pfp or anything that could lead him to open the eggs for the better of the universe ?
    Here ya go. Linking you back to the original thread where some ideas were thrown about
    Got it, thx I’ll remember theres a forum thread on the eggs
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    Take my awakened duck and open the thing. Lol
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Literally the lamest thing Kabam has done.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,622 ★★★★★
  • Chachaji01Chachaji01 Member Posts: 15
    Kabam, you baited him and put so much social pressure on the man.

    BG… mad props to you! I really hope you get a unique profile pic AND a title for this.

    PS: Saw the notifications in game and immediately checked YT. Eagerly awaiting the video, BG.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 353 ★★
    Wow 6* abomination. Only my 3rd ever 6* but I feel incredibly ‘meh’ about that :D
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 554 ★★★
    I'm so confused about this. How did this person opening 3 eggs unlock all the milestones for us? Did they count each egg as 200 million crystals?
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    jdschw said:

    I'm so confused about this. How did this person opening 3 eggs unlock all the milestones for us? Did they count each egg as 200 million crystals?

    basically, yes. I'm sure @DNA3000 can come along and write a lengthy essay post on how, but the TLDR version is, yes.
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