What pressure? Forum polls said keep the eggs. His chat said to keep the eggs. The majority of feedback from every single stream of communication has been in favor of keeping the eggs. If anything, he said no to peer pressure.
If you are upset that Brian opened the crystals, don't be. He is a person who was given a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. He chose to get the egg profile Pic, which he stated he wanted the other day. When his video drops of the opening we will know his reasoning. Let the man do what he wants, I didn't care either way, I am not the kind to hoard interesting crystals because I like to know what I got (yeah typically the lowest star avail in the crystal is all I ever get). But BG has kept these for a reason.
PS: he was already a r3 before this*
Thank you for the omelet you sacrificed.
Got this from the Crystal event, Thank you again to Brian Grant
Edit: nvm apparently I'm not lol
Anyway gg Brian