Arcade games showcase

What team y'all are using?
Also it looks like they have updated the rewards. The r2 gem is nice addition, thanks kabam!
Also it looks like they have updated the rewards. The r2 gem is nice addition, thanks kabam!
30 mins is slow going @captain_rogers
This is what I did for right side
Maestro, venom, cheelith, and silk
Silk for the mystics
Cheelith for leader and jess
Venom for OS cap sam QS
Maestro for backup
Swapped silk with gorr for boss
Did arcade with Maestro and Gorr. Maestro is very useful as he's immune to all debuffs arcade inflicts.
I knew it was supposed to be an endgame piece of content, I just figured it was this showcase-thingy
Silk: spidey, mojo, chavez
Venom: shocker, wolverine
Vox: maestro, arcade
Chee: leader
Got solos on all, but that mojo solo with silk was very jammy (AI miraculously didn't throw sp3 right away, so I stacked a bunch of personal space regens in the corner to reverse with silk). I honestly doubt I'd be able to recreate that tbh. Better off going for titania or someone completely buff immune (vs that placebo, so mojo's powergain is controlled).
Currently, attempting the right with the same squad...
Team : Venom, Maestro, shocker and spam
Spam for the mystics
Shocker for onslaught
Venom for leader and wolverine
Maestro for shocker.
Shocker AI is ultra hyper aggressive. Onslaught likes to hold his sp1. Other than that no complaints. This one is extremely enjoyable compared to previous ones.
I don't mind it, but that's weird to me
Leader: Mojo and Chavez.
Shocker: Onslaught removal duty.
Bullseye: main workhorse, took all of Spidey Supreme, Leader, and Wolverine.
SIM: Shocker.
Chee'ilth - Leader, Shocker, Wolverine and Arcade
CGR - Shocker (80%)
Bullseye - Spiderman Supreme
Hulk - Onslaught, Mojo, Chavez (stun lock)
CMM - swapped for arcade but not needed
Nm... I used R3 Silk and soloed boosted.