Six Star ag outdated for valiant players ?

So I was just looking at the objective quests for these side quest missions, and have they not realised how pointless them gems have became for us.
Atleast give valiants a 7 star gem crystal.
Atleast give valiants a 7 star gem crystal.
There are several Paragons, early or late that are still happy with both gems and stones when they pull someone new or want to finish their shining s200 roster.
6*s are still relevant to both Paragon and Valiants
> Insults when gotten, not bothering to think or discuss about it.
Nice work buddy. More mindsets than yours exist in the world.
I remember Karate Mike's FIRST 6r5 Spidey99 video from Carina challenges.
After that r5 gems and resources got more and more common.
So expect some Necro level **** next year where players will be able to grind 7* gem instead of goofy monthly side quests.
Bgs already make it super easy to dupe 6 stars.
Someone else commented about a selector which seemed at least more sensible than your suggestion. 7* sig stone crystals would be a better alternative for valiants.
1) Is 6* AG value for Valiant players next to useless - I would say yes, I have about 16 generic 6* AG with no really need of using. This is not because 6* it not valuable, it is because we get quite a lot of 6* shards, so dupping 6* champs isn't hard.
2) Should Valiant players get 7* AG now in Side Quest, not realistic (as much as I would love some), any players that play this game long enough would understand how value 7*AG is right now (might be the most valued item right next to T7CB).
The question really would be, what would be a realistic alternative to 6*AG for Valiant players. I would happy take 7* Sigs instead.
Although in main account, used 22 of those in one go and awakened every single 6*, with 10+ AG left still.
1. Correct me if I'm wrong but the 1st time we see the AG for the new star level or crystal has always been in some challenging content. Sometimes a unit/ pay wall.
2. We really didn't start seeing 6-Star AG on a regular basis until 7-Stars were established.
3. Speaking for myself, I couldn't tell you when the last time I actively chased or used a 6-Star AG. The sig stones usually go to a random 6-Star i don't have maxed. At a certain point, you need to transition to the next rarity. Yes the right 6-Star can make a difference, but those are minimal.
4. About the only thing a 6-Star can offer most valiant players is an amazing awakened ability.
I'm short, yes a ton of rewards and stores are severely outdated, but 7-Star AG in a side quest is out of the question. I wouldn't be surprised to see 7-Star AG during banquet with a 0.0002% drop rate.
These kinds of items will always be valuable to newer players but eventually become obsolete for veterans. It’s hard to determine a fair point to adjust rewards. Adding an exchange store might be a good solution for now.