Which champ of your own bg roster will you ban if the opponent has same champ at same/higher rank?

For example I have r4 ascended onslaught in my bg roster and will ban r3 7 star or even r27 star onslaught. I will ban Bullseye too but he isn't in my bg roster so that's different. I wanna know which champs are so powerful that even if you have them you don't wanna face them, even though that means you cannot use them either.
Which champ of your own bg roster will you ban if the opponent has same champ at same/higher rank? 107 votes
Photon, domino are insta bans for me. I removed myunduped domino from deck so the bans won't affect me.Similarly I didn't rank myphoton or nick cuz I wanna ban them always.
Myserpent is 7* r3sig 125 so he always getsbanned even if opponent have a r3 as well, so I don't have to deal fighting a serpent.
Dr. Zola
I however will ban Serpent if they have a r3 awakened. Once I have one myself, I won't do this anymore. Though, the one staple champ I always ban is a high ranked Domino. I just recently awakened my r2, but until I too have a r3 at sig 120+, their Domino will forever be sent to the shadow realm.
Destroyer on the other hand is instaban.
Dr. Zola
If I absolutely have to ban someone I have in my own deck, it usually is Photon. The one defender I really do not know how to deal with well, augmented by the fact that my only great counter I run is Zemo (who struggles to punch up against 7* r3s). Plus, unlike Serpent, she’s a significantly respectable attacker. Like I said though, I pretty much never actually ban her in practice.
You want in-game titles for hard core forumers, paragon crystals in birthday.
That's sun temperature IQ bro.
Edit : I mainly ban Serpent counters on the off chance he isn’t banned. I apologize if I face you in bgs.
I would ban Serpent & Onslaught, and whatever highest ranking anything from Enchantress, Red Skull, Nefaria, Havok, Dust, Kindred, Spider Punk oh and Man Thing ( right @captain_rogers?). 🤣