I'm tired Boss ......

I'm so tired of AQ.
I'm tired of dying in 5 hits.
I'm tired of how useless pots and revs you can buy with glory.
I'm tired of only being able to buy 2 items a day.
I'm tired of fighting the same champs for 4 days a week for 3 weeks in a row.
I'm tired of my BG officer using the poke feature to hurry up through AQ. Poking us every hour and after each section is open.
I'm tired of the same nodes 4 days in a row.
I'm tired of dreading the day AQ starts.
I'm tired of feeling like Ben Stein is giving a lecture for 10 hours and being so bored I want to jump off the roof.
I'm tired of the defenders in AQ having extra fast dash in's when I think I'm going to intercept them.
I hate AQ.
Please delete AQ from the game.
The rest of it tho…
We run one Map 6 group for people who want Raids tickets. They are left to their own devices. It's a no assignment deal and they know how to explore their map.
A second group is open for Map 6 boss rush. It doesn't reach the boss most days. I don't care who joins or doesn't.
I think we get like 4.7 mil glory weekly (I'm the Leader and I don't even know exactly. Shows you how important AQ is in my estimation, don't it). Once the mail hits, we pop by the store and get what we can and that's fine.
We’re 30 active members. A tight friendly group. Mostly Valiants, with a few Paragons catching up.
There is NOTHING in the world that could entice me to do AQ regularly like years ago. Much less make me run an alli that forces people to do it. If you hate your officer poking you, I can assure you, your officer hates poking you even more.
Leadership pressure to maintain participation is ridiculous. Gangho members stress everyone out. Toxicity and bad vibes galore. Tagging the same ppl daily? Telling off grown up ppl for a game? Sheesh. It’s even worse when you have to kick people you like and who are good players but are not fast or "good" enough for AQ. Or they quit the game altogether because of this mode alone.
Life’s way better since we made AQ unimportant. It wasn’t easy at first - the habit of chasing that carrot is real! But everyone here eventually saw the light.
Recruiting is tough tho, because people want what they want. "Your group looks strong, why aren't you running 100% across 3 bgs?" is the catchprase I get to hear each painful recruitment trip (which fortunately are few and far between).
But we’re done with that hamster wheel. A more relaxed MCOC life is priceless.
Coz realistically, what can they do to make it more interesting?
The game's mechanics relies on two things: champs and nodes.
Rotate defenders more often? Make the nodes a random thing? Well, that's Incursions.
So make it... harder? You'll die more and spend more time on it. Then ppl will be crying that it's not calibrated correctly for the rewards it gives and we know how Kbm feels about updating rewards and "breaking the game economy".
Another alternative: At least change the champions of the patches regularly, I can't stand facing the Super Skrull every day. It can be done with the map having several possible variations, obviously, without absurd or too specific fights to the point of having to change the entire team. Let's not put a Serpent on inverted controls, for example.
In AQ I'm doing 10+ fights are day. The same fights. Everyday.
These truly are unprecedented times we're living in
I should have initially responded with my son's catch phrase. ..
Womp Womp!
I used to respect he and another noteworthy "KABAM sycophant" when what they offered was a devil's advocacy to the witch hunt. I'm not quite sure when they lost their way and decided to just be bullies, but I could only hope that someday they find it again.