WAR Leaderboard screwed?

Following the announcement of the last war not counting I’m seeing a lot of masters/P1 alliances in P3…. Does this mean we could match them? And how will this impact the rest of the season?

Following the announcement of the last war not counting I’m seeing a lot of masters/P1 alliances in P3…. Does this mean we could match them? And how will this impact the rest of the season?

How on earth this IS normal matchup ???
Poor top alliances feel the need to beat up lower level alliances and get satisfaction.
So far 3-1 for war(3 wins to 1) 1 that won't be counted. So considering that, gotta say either will be screwed in next couple of war or will b fine.
It is my business when this means they can potentially match my alliance and hand us a loss which will affect our final standings because we still get T2 Multiplier.
It is also my business when alliances are abusing matchmaking for rewards and getting away with it.
And Kabam really should implement a routine to be able to actually cancel (as in STOP) a War that is already in progress (and/or better be able to control WR +/- if need be for certain Wars, etc)
But it seems like everyone is saying that either..
(A) if they happened to WIN that war, and move up in WR, that the Next War will have a very high chance at LOSING, because they will be matched against a team higher than what they should be matching against.
or (B) if they had LOST, then they'll get an unfair advantage because the drop in WR will mean they have a very high chance at WINNING the Next War instead.
But with logic, aren’t you implying that every single normal War during the season is a constant TOGGLING of a Win, then a Loss, then a Win, then a Loss, back and forth, in a very tight narrow range of WR ?
Because winning 2 in a row, or losing 2 in a row, would be throwing your WR totally out of whack with the opponents you should only be matching with ?
Masters alliances, including CCP alliances like DSVG/SSX/4LOki, among others like XK9, GT40, are abusing the system to get easier wins for masters. Unintended or not, this is abuse.
The only difference between this and many of their abuses across history is that this is directly an issue on the Kabam side and not them finding ways to work around the system. Can't decide if that makes it worse or not though.
also, you can 40% and clear like mostly everyone did.