When do you think we will start seeing r4 7*

Do you think we willl see them end of this year or just before or around 4th of July next year?
I also imagine a new title chase by having 3 r4 7*
By the time of 4th July next year comes.
Who will be your first r4 champion?
Goodluck lol, F2P players will further be burnt out and even climbing to Vibranium be hell.
But I'm also getting a feeling that Banquet solo milestone of #1,2,3 will have some kind of 7r4 fragments 😵
Lol everyone here just seems to be scared or don’t want r4 to come. But they coming sooner than later lol
Cant imagine buying or spending $$$ to get more shards than rank ups materials for more r3’s in 2025 4th of July.
By that time I’m pretty sure atleast 9.3 & 9.4 will be out
Everyone has the same champs as everyone else, peoples rosters are filled with r3s… I want to see something new, i want 6* to be a thing of the past.
Not a huge fan of kabams long release schedule and slow roll lately. Makes the game stale imo
Otherwise ur hanndicapped and at the mercy of a.i
This season in general for bg’s was pretty bad. A.i in general has gotten to smart lol
Honestly the most fun I have is with rarity changes and working with the roster I have been given when pulls are scarce
Bring on 8*\9*\10* idc
Once everyone has the same rosters, with the same champs its boring.