My biggest 9.2 beta feedback



  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Finished one completion run all on scourge paths, the one in 9.2.3 was the worst suggest to tune down by removing the node that gives it unblockable. So far, Kate Bishop boss fight in 9.2.1 has been toughest. She has mix master yet you can’t parry her unless you have White Mag’s pre fight for passive stun.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 ★★★★
    altavista said:

    I liked the scourge nodes. There's a great payoff. You can get rid of half the health of the opponent with just one scourge burst

    Really? I’ve only felt that once (Scourge node where specials into block eradicates; using Valkyrie lets you KO by the time you reach reach your SP2). Every other time, I let Scourge build up to 9-10 and eradicate, and maybe see only 10% of the health get removed. So most of the time my experience is that it is better to avoid the headache of Scourge abilities and just take down health with normal attacking, vs having to deal with the Scourge abilities for a measly eradicate payoff.

    This has essentially been my problem with 9.2 … fights feel long and tedious, and the nodes that give the Attacker a benefit don’t feel significant enough to remove the tedium.
    Every instance I remember there was a burst of 300-400 k. I remember even one which did damage in the millions.

    It deals modified attack. Maybe that. I had boosted in many fights
  • CdjcdkjCdjcdkj Member Posts: 129 ★★
    Normax_X said:

    Waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy tooooo maaanyyy noooodessss especially the scourge ones that have 6 of them:
    1- what scourge does
    2- what scourge also does
    3- how they gain scourge
    4- how to remove some scourge
    5- how to remove ALL scourge
    6- Random other node
    + you have to read 3 bosses to see what fits best with what path you take depending on the team it makes you bring

    Its not even the reading thats the annoying part, its having to remember the ways to gain, pause, remove, and eradicate scourge AND what they do if they're on the defender AND the random extra node AND your abilities AND how everything interacts with the defender's abilities. there has to be some way to fix this because story is just becoming a chore to do

    That path is so fun just use dani sp2 into the block with 5 prowess and arrows nice 30 seconds fights
  • BEA5T_FURYBEA5T_FURY Member Posts: 146
    Asher1_1 said:

    Asher1_1 said:

    People now don't want any challenge, they just want ez reward 🤷 & a challenge is not fun for them.

    Get stuck -> rankup counter -> clear content

    It's not about challenge it's about the nodes just being bad and the fact that ai is still horrible which makes the fights feel unnecessarily lengthy and annoying especially the rinthrah boss ai in the 1st quest that thing only has heavy spam coded in it the content isn't hard it's just feels like rather annoying and lengthy
    Ai & nodes 2 different things
    Yes and that's what I said both are bad like if I had to pick between weapon nodes and scourge nodes I most definitely would be picking weapon nodes
  • BEA5T_FURYBEA5T_FURY Member Posts: 146
    Sunstar19 said:

    Finished one completion run all on scourge paths, the one in 9.2.3 was the worst suggest to tune down by removing the node that gives it unblockable. So far, Kate Bishop boss fight in 9.2.1 has been toughest. She has mix master yet you can’t parry her unless you have White Mag’s pre fight for passive stun.

    Ya the Kate bishop on just feels absurd with her node combination took me 4 revs with full boosted nf another one is Nightcrawler wasn't as hard as Kate but the node combination on him just feels weird were one node demands you to block/parry him while another node punishes you if you do so
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★

    Sunstar19 said:

    Finished one completion run all on scourge paths, the one in 9.2.3 was the worst suggest to tune down by removing the node that gives it unblockable. So far, Kate Bishop boss fight in 9.2.1 has been toughest. She has mix master yet you can’t parry her unless you have White Mag’s pre fight for passive stun.

    Ya the Kate bishop on just feels absurd with her node combination took me 4 revs with full boosted nf another one is Nightcrawler wasn't as hard as Kate but the node combination on him just feels weird were one node demands you to block/parry him while another node punishes you if you do so
    Yes, I was also fully boosted yet needed to use several revives. One mistake and it’s all over.
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    When the devices start lagging cause of the number of nodes and their interactions that's the sign that it's become too much for everyone. Can you not see thatKABA? Are we your only pre-release content testers? :|
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 268 ★★
    I love the direction Kabam is taking with this. I feel the difficulty level has been ramped up, especially with the bosses, but that's how it should be, right? I had to restart a few paths because my champs weren’t the best choice, but once you pick the right champs and figure out the best way to face each fight, you can deal a lot of damage.

    I think that 9.2 strikes a good balance between difficulty and enjoyment, but I'm sure most people won't like it because they prefer easier rewards.

  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    Blackbolt boss in 9.2.5 with reverse controls. Sinister did not work for reverse controls. His controls kept getting switched with each blocked hit.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    I liked the scourge nodes. There's a great payoff. You can get rid of half the health of the opponent with just one scourge burst

    Really? I’ve only felt that once (Scourge node where specials into block eradicates; using Valkyrie lets you KO by the time you reach reach your SP2). Every other time, I let Scourge build up to 9-10 and eradicate, and maybe see only 10% of the health get removed. So most of the time my experience is that it is better to avoid the headache of Scourge abilities and just take down health with normal attacking, vs having to deal with the Scourge abilities for a measly eradicate payoff.

    This has essentially been my problem with 9.2 … fights feel long and tedious, and the nodes that give the Attacker a benefit don’t feel significant enough to remove the tedium.

    You can definitely execute the scourge bomb strategy. The tedious part is dancing around endlessly waiting for the scourge charges to build up before you do whatever the “eradicate” action is.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    Sure the reading can be annoying. However i will say, i’m happy they added a node that removes all scourge charges. Last chapter it become increasingly annoying when the scourge charges went out of control.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    It could use some tweaks I think. Hopefully some get some adjustments. I didn’t mind it but some paths felt reminiscent of act 6 in the unavoidable damage category which I didn’t like. I like hard paths that reward good gameplay. The unavoidable damage paths just stink.
  • Serpent_King98Serpent_King98 Member Posts: 56
    I'm stuck on 9.2.1 and 9.2.4 and i can't even complete a single fight without dying. In 9.2.4 between the heal block path and the cleanse path. It takes so long to try and ramp up on the heal block path and then you need a striker to hit while a heal block is active. It's so annoying and i'm even wondering if i have the right champs.. sigh
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    they won't change this. or much of anything
  • Asim38Asim38 Member Posts: 197 ★★
    The biggest issue I have found with the beta is sadly the lag and AI issues we have been complaining about for eternity now. It seems they are all much much worse on the beta. Otherwise it looks like Kabam has used a very niche design for the Act. Need a deep, ranked roster of 7 stars as 6 stars won't do as much damage. I'm on 9.2.5. Besides Nick Fury for a path, I don't think I used a single 6 star anywhere. The attack bonus for 7 stars is invaluable.

    Besides that, as mentioned in the thread, too much reading, too much to do to create an opportunity to do something, too much Regen, and so on. Heal block isn't just a nice to have utility. It's an absolute must! All this makes it tedious and less enjoyable. Hopefully the rewards are good enough when the act releases to give a sense of achievement.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Deacon said:

    they won't change this. or much of anything

    They have to do something, pretty much every response I've seen has been very negative, from tough nodes to straight up unpleasant fights. No way it goes live in its current state
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Remember to give the feedback in the survey and be as clear as possible (chapter, path and nodes) so that they know what needs to be changed.
  • JijinJijin Member Posts: 5
    In 9.2.5, shouldn't Juggernaut and Wiccan be immune to the reverse controls against Black Bolt boss?
    But they were being affected by the reverse controls node.
    The 9.2.5 has been really stressful to complete. The Sersi and even the Arcade paths were quite difficult. The crit me path in 9.2.6 as well.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Agree. Reverse control node was super messed up, ended up fighting as though I had reverse controls despite using Wiccan.

    9.2.5 Sersi was very difficult and stressful as she kept getting buffs and then indestructible. BWCV worked for me but it was a long fight. Just saw MSD play who was also struggling. Arcade was another crazy fight with his auto block, for some reason Herc sp1 is supposed to have true strike to bypass auto block but it was not triggered.
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