Just found...Kabam really was in talks to remove Pause button!

Kabam Jax answer to a "coward" thread with pause techniques to win on Battlegrounds

The 1st post

And the guy even teach another technique 🤦🏻♂️🤣
What can be done about this ,is some new system that detects the Attacker is not really fighting for more than 5 or 10 seconds, so its an instant win for the Rival.
With this solution, pause button or put the game in background will be punished the same way.
Hope someone move this solution to the game team @Kabam_Crashed
All summoners that dont cheat on BG
Link (Closed Thread from Jan, 2023) = https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/324786/pause-technique-promoted-next-level-bg/p1

The 1st post

And the guy even teach another technique 🤦🏻♂️🤣
What can be done about this ,is some new system that detects the Attacker is not really fighting for more than 5 or 10 seconds, so its an instant win for the Rival.
With this solution, pause button or put the game in background will be punished the same way.
Hope someone move this solution to the game team @Kabam_Crashed
All summoners that dont cheat on BG
Link (Closed Thread from Jan, 2023) = https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/324786/pause-technique-promoted-next-level-bg/p1
Removing the pause button would never be an option, it just further makes it worse.
Meanwhile game crash is not ?? Who decide that 😂 both are same
Then you deserve to lose.
Plain and simple truth.
We were here when they talked about removing the pause button. What did they not do?
Tell me what kind of AI you're fighting against because it sometimes takes me twice as long to bait a single special
If you can point to where I said they never had any such discussion about the pause button, please do and I will be happy to correct myself.
If you had read what I wrote, you would see that I acknowledged the conversation because I was there for it. I was also on the side of them addressing it because it is a cheap and pathetic way for anyone to "play" the game. I've been very consistent on that issue since the very post you shared screenshots of.
Kabam has also been consistent on the issue in saying that it isn't cheating, but that it is not within the spirit of the contest. You can scour the forums, you won't find them saying it's cheating.
They had the conversation nearly 2 years ago and here we are now with the pause button still active. Obviously they considered players pausing to be a less significant issue than what would've arisen had they removed it. The case has been closed for a long time.
Not with me.
But this thing need to be stopped
Probably lost to a pauser and now you are raging is more likely
Now, what? Waiting....
Please tell me Kabam just dont have a way to get rid of pause button, so because of this, they dont call that cheat yet....
Im doing this for other people with this unfair thing on our game. After another thread posted this sunday.
I was always against this.
Just makes no sense the pause button on BG. The other thing is the Sp.3 you cant skip (as on Incursions), this is awful ,as the time is running and you get less points...lol
And just searched for this statement I remembered 👍
I paused for a minute, came back, and beat your defender in 20 seconds with a Nuke attacker—totaling 80 seconds.
On the other hand, you couldn’t beat my defender in time or ended up losing to them.
Who should win?
If this was already discussed a year ago and no action has been taken, they’ve probably already considered your solution along with other, more complex scenarios.
You're not getting rid of the pause button and you're not getting banned for losing matches on purpose regardless of how someone does it within the rules.
Frowned upon does not equal banable or cheating/exploiting.
This is a thread that needs to pause on any more senseless debates. I agree with majority of the replies and further state you need to focus on your deck and play style to get 45-50K points to win matches and not worry about someone pausing their match.
- Mando
I’d also happily and with prejudice call anyone that uses the pause to strategically avoid a fight a straight up coward. I disagree with the “it’s your fault for not scoring more then 15k points” opinions, as by default the cowards that do it never fought and deserved 0 points for exploiting a QoL feature.
But all that said this is far from the most pressing issue. Shaming these forfeitures is acceptable as in a majority of cases these losers might steal a round out often they lack the skill to do much more than that.