Hoping last week of “hunt” doesn’t require solo!

Just hoping (should be)! Since 1st 2 weeks, 4 fights did NOT require actually soloing as Kabam apparently intended, truly hoping last week (final objectives) DOES NOT AS WELL!!! If u messed up 2 out of 3? Might as well make them all the same!! Would require another 2 paths for me in Act 6 to open (hopefully complete w/o soloing). I’ll do it if I can get the 10 tickets. Still would need 2 spend $35 atleast to get the 100. I didn’t get the other tickets early enough because I thought I wouldn’t get it. 1st 2 weeks did NOT require solo. Don’t change it on last week. Seems a little unfair, plus ppl like me naught possible spend money if really close. Ur call Kabam. Don’t do wrong!!!
Have YOU ever done the fight?
Disagree if must, but don’t just click that button for no reason (does NOT), even Apple to what somebody posted. Too much negativity these days. Unnecessary guys. Be helpful and informative plz. Thx!!
They could very well be responding that “NO, they think it will indeed probably require a Solo”.
Or that they are disagreeing that you think they should continue the “bug” of not requiring a solo thru the final weeks as well, just because they had the bug in the earlier weeks.
Kabam may have well decided to just leave the method the way it is, since it persisted beyond just the first week. (or could be that they *DID* change it, did it used to allow reviving ??, but the way they changed it STILL allowed using multiple champs just with no revives, and so may, or may not, just let it remain that way thru to the end ?)