Necropolis Advice

I'm a valiant who is done with act 8, 9.1 and crucibles exploration, looking forward to do my first necro run on the titania path and seeking advice on if I should do AoA prowler objectives first or necro, I'll attach my team and revive stash below

will probably be 5-6 more revives when I actually start the run, will they be enough?
I don't have kate and aegon is r2 and will eat alot of time and resources to max so the conclusion of the team, any changes recommended?
any fights to look out for? should I grind more units and buy eq revive deal?
too many questions but oh well I really don't wanna get hard walled or run out of revives on any fight so taking maxmimum precautions, also I don't wanna do it later and save for banquet etc coz well I'm bored and just wanna do it asap, any advice will be appreciated 🙏
p.s. i'll start after 3rd week of royal hunt objectives drop so I can r2 shuri for easier clear.

will probably be 5-6 more revives when I actually start the run, will they be enough?
I don't have kate and aegon is r2 and will eat alot of time and resources to max so the conclusion of the team, any changes recommended?
any fights to look out for? should I grind more units and buy eq revive deal?
too many questions but oh well I really don't wanna get hard walled or run out of revives on any fight so taking maxmimum precautions, also I don't wanna do it later and save for banquet etc coz well I'm bored and just wanna do it asap, any advice will be appreciated 🙏
p.s. i'll start after 3rd week of royal hunt objectives drop so I can r2 shuri for easier clear.
R2 wong
6r5 shuri
6 Juggs low rank
Dead Nick fury for 20% attack
Voodoo for wong synergy
I think it cost me around 20-25 revives and a lot of those went on awful ai in dragon man fight and me not understanding the cap Sam fight. I’m not a great player anymore but without those blips would have got it down to maybe 10-15.
I did the same split paths as Normax (who did it itemless and inspired me to try as I loved playing wong)
If you can solo Titania with Wong you’ll likely be fine as that’s probably his hardest fight to keep the spells up in. The synergy really helps his upkeep.
I also forgot to use mystic special boosts until very late in the run which would have got me the few solos I just missed out on as charges ran out. Obvs with Wong you’re just spamming sp2 so they really help.
I only used shuri for psychoman which was one revive I think.
Good luck if you do it!
Guys can I get some help with this, the dark tide damage is too much, how to avoid/reduce it? Should I have brought doom or abs?
After a few quick duels, I would say yes, you should of brought someone else. Can't exactly remember his trap & other nodes, but his sp1 has armor break which, obviously, shuts down his gem. Think he gets a power gain as you revive, I personally would restart & bring Chavez or Doom. I know it sucks & I'm sorry, but that's probably best for your inventory & your sanity...
I’d suggest watching Normax guide to Wong/necro as it outlines the key points of all the fights.
From memory, block his sp1 get some green spells up first then blue then yellow. You should be regenerating like crazy on sp2.
Trust what many have said to you, necropolis can break you (units, resources, and even emotionally) if you're not prepped properly. If you want to power through it, go ahead. Based on what has been said before, just wait at least a week. Build your stash and units, and then come back.
i got skill gem (my least wanted gem) so I'm probably gonna hold for now and holding titan too 🚩🦅
also did this lol, preparing for 9.2 and incursions, had him on r4 for soo long 🙏