Rate the cyber event

How are you feeling about this event. Honestly the rewards are wayy worth it for the money, wayy better than july 4 disappointment. If I had 15k+ units I would've spent everything on cyber deals.
Rate the cyber event 244 votes
I’m not spending real money on this, and ↖️ was the only offer worth my hard earned units.
1200 units in, change my vote to 5*
Need to think hard, I could blow 20k units and R3 3 more champs plus awaken onslaught.
I could do 20k on banquet and get none of that done, or pull amazing stuff.
I’m at the point where I think I need to focus on R3s and not new champs, but not sure😮💨
+ last year 1k offers had 1 & 50% selector T6cc & now 2T6cc selector for 800 that's what i was expecting but they added basic + t5 so it's great extra
And any solo content these days can be done with 6* r5 Or 7* r2