Anniversary Carinas Challenges

Im just returning to the game after a break and saw the live stream mention that youd need all 5 deathless champs to complete all of the anniversary challenges, so is it not possible to complete and get all the rewards for someone like me without spending upwards of 20k units to get all the pieces i missed?
1) MSD didn’t make any of the last set of Carina’s Challenges. Those were Lagacy, Karatemike, and Fintech. You’re making things up to be angry about.
2) You literally have no idea which challenge he made or the content of any of the challenges except the Deathless one, and since we don’t know what synergies Deathless Thanos is bringing to the table, you don’t really even know that.
3) EVEN IF it comes out that the challenge is difficult, or somehow overtuned, we ARE NOT going to attack people who tried to come up with a fun challenge for the community.
And remember, two things: first - just because something is super difficult for you, doesn’t mean it is for the target audience of the content. Second - Carina’s Challenges are permanent content. If they’re too tough now, just come back when you’ve ranked up the needed champs.
Second, criticism is still allowed, and everyone has the right to have an opinion. My personal view is that there s people out there that can do better. Yours is that they re not, I assume. I don't care what you think, I m not attacking people, but their abilities to do something they re not suitable, again, in my opinion. So back off.
Yeah, everybody can have an opinion. But like… how did you reach yours? We literally don’t know anything yet, how can you possibly have an opinion either good or bad?
You opened your post by saying this was MSD “AGAIN.” Except that MSD has never designed a Carina’s Challenge before, so I have no idea where you’re getting any insight into his proficiency at the task.
Can you have an opinion? Sure. Can people ask for literally any justification for that opinion when you voice it on a public forum? Also yes.
And no, you didn't just "asked for a justification", you attacked me personally in your last paragraph. Except if this was also a generic "you" for the common reader.
(*unless you're a Lawyer)
If you're saying AGAIN, even after a period, it is understood that you are trying to say AGAIN to the wording before that.
And following that up with “there's no other content creators with better (etc…)” further reinforces that you are claiming MSD had been involved with this before and that you want someone else.
(only talking about this specific point, not the message around the rest of it)
He actually helped make it easier by calling out potential roadblocks, since he has the most experience in Necropolis over pretty much any other player out there - I'd recommend shooting him a thank you.
Anyway that s my OPINION, the end.