Request to removal of Account suspension

I gave my 3 accounts to my friends to play for a while cuz I was busy at some work I really want to spend in banquet event and want those free 7* champs so I told them to play story quests for progression
Today I tried to login it shows that my accounts r suspended for 1 month
Honestly I don't know that sharing accounts will lead to get suspended
So I request you to get my accounts out from suspension as soon as possible I really want those free 7* and participate in banquet event
I created 2 new account for banquet event
I know I did a mistake it was unintentional
I am sorry
I am not going to repeat it again
@mcocteam @KabamCrusher
Please remove suspension for my 3 accounts

Today I tried to login it shows that my accounts r suspended for 1 month
Honestly I don't know that sharing accounts will lead to get suspended
So I request you to get my accounts out from suspension as soon as possible I really want those free 7* and participate in banquet event
I created 2 new account for banquet event
I know I did a mistake it was unintentional
I am sorry
I am not going to repeat it again
@mcocteam @KabamCrusher
Please remove suspension for my 3 accounts

You don't have to know the rules for them to apply. They gave you the rules, you didn't read them.
Also who’s kabam crusher lol
Oh wait, its the GRAND banquet, would suck to miss it...
Since you asked so nicely & after careful consideration, NOPE...
No account sharing, which you did, so banned for a while.
Doesn’t matter that there happens to be something good coming up, so you wanted to come back.
And it was unintentional cuz if I would know that my accounts will get suspended y would I waste my hard work done on these accounts to participate in banquet
I cant understand why not 4.
Seriously 1 is perfect to not going nutz
I agree it and now I realised and I regret it now
I apologise for it
So please support me to get my accounts back
It would be very helpful for me
Remove suspension, That's an order.
We alredy cleared up that it was not intentional, . Please and sorry.
1 thumbs up = 1 prayer.