Deathless Piece in Necropolis

At launch, we were promised to never have to go into Necro to gain a deathless piece again.
Why has this changed?
Would he different if we weren’t told on the livestream that it wouldn’t happen in the future.
Why has this changed?
Would he different if we weren’t told on the livestream that it wouldn’t happen in the future.
The closest I can find is this thread, in which I say the Carina's Challenges being discussed at the time will not revisit the Necropolis. I even say at some point we will be revisiting the Necropolis.
I also found a clip from a live stream where I very clearly say I am making two promises and two promises only regarding these pieces:
1. They will always be available for in game content or currencies
2. They will never be sourced in a limited fashion in ranked rewards
"Aside from that it's fair game. I am not making any other promises."
So ya, as I said it's possible I said this somewhere and if I did I apologize that I was wrong, but I can't find it anywhere.
“1. They will always be available for in game content or currencies” - The way I understand this line is that all Deathless champs should be available via store or content, like Guillotine or King Groot.
However currently it’s not the case with Deathless Vision. There are 4 pieces in store and no pieces in permanent content, can you please change it ?
(is what I think this means)
Colloquial English is a bit ambiguous when it comes to the word "always" and what it refers to in context. Here, as Crashed said "they will always be available FOR in game content or currencies" he is referring to how the pieces will be offered: "for" implies talking about the circumstances of the availability, not the state of availability. "Always" therefore refers to how Kabam releases the pieces, not the degree to which the pieces will be permanently available.
The only way to eliminate these ambiguities would be to say something like "every deathless piece will be made achievable by completing some in-game challenge, most of which will likely only be available for a limited window of time, or to some degree by using units to purchase them. They will never require a cash offer purchase to acquire as the only path to acquisition."
However, no one talks like that all the time, not even me.
Much as I hate fighting the Grandmaster, I will complete an objective where Deadpool calls him a “poopy head”.
That' s my only concern 😅
Just because it's easily doable does not make it better.
The 30 plus champs required to do a crucible run makes any meaningful objectives almost impossible.
There we go!