Some weird additional detail — i had the MCOC store open in a tab and went there to login to claim the daily crystal. Login process happened as always, but I was taken to that MWA store where I was shown as logged in. (I logged out quickly.)
Is MWA a Kabam product? Cause if not, that means my Kabam creds (the way I always login to xsolla) also work to sign me into a third party web store for whatever this tank game is…
Is MWA a Kabam product? Cause if not, that means my Kabam creds (the way I always login to xsolla) also work to sign me into a third party web store for whatever this tank game is…
US location
Dude they even have some Iron Maiden related stuff...
Normal to me now, from the UK.
Why is this taken so easy? @Kabam Miike
Very nice
Going to Injustice store