How crazy will banquet be ?

kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,828 ★★★★★
In stream they did say thousands of cav players will have r3 7*, and cav players won’t even have the superior banquet crystals. Does this banquet have a good chance of being the best banquet in Mcoc history ? Or is the hype going to be over estimating what’s to come ?


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★
    I think they said TB
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,417 ★★★
    Ooh I can’t wait!!
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    I called it, it was gonna be a realm event, and I agree, not chaging the solo and alliance events is the right move, along with the change on the crystals.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Pikolu said:

    I hope the realm event rewards are good. We will definitely hit the top milestone thanks to the blubbery whales

    That's a very bold claim considering kabam has years of data they can use to set milestones accordingly. I'm personally just glad that the realm event is an extra on top of the milestones and not something that replaces the milestones. I imagine that will improve community morale knowing they aren't reliant on others to do their part to get rewards.
    Yeah, that's fair. I was just making the assumption based on the ridiculous point totals for top ranks in preventing banquet events. But there's the whole Stark Foundation thing and we managed to hit the Titan in BG Realm so I'm optimistic. Either way we are getting extra rewards on top of the already known ones so that's still a W
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
    Let's wait and see
  • DoctorOfDoomDoctorOfDoom Member Posts: 15
    Tony886 said:

    I'm Cavlier too, not able to push to TB stuck in 6.3.1

    I'm assuming ur stuck on the medusa, basically what you wanna do is use nick and don't dex at all, basically try not to activate any buffs, if you don't have nick then Symbiote Supreme would work, as would Chee Lith, Killmonger might work if you ramp him up to 50 bleed charges but you need insane skill to do that without dexing, basically just any bleed champ who isn't buff reliant or has any buffs
  • Viking_St3v3Viking_St3v3 Member Posts: 163 ★★

    Tony886 said:

    I'm Cavlier too, not able to push to TB stuck in 6.3.1

    I'm assuming ur stuck on the medusa, basically what you wanna do is use nick and don't dex at all, basically try not to activate any buffs, if you don't have nick then Symbiote Supreme would work, as would Chee Lith, Killmonger might work if you ramp him up to 50 bleed charges but you need insane skill to do that without dexing, basically just any bleed champ who isn't buff reliant or has any buffs
    Black Cat is killer for that fight. She turns of so many abilities. The more bleeds the better. Even OG BP works now once he got his buff.
  • England73738England73738 Member Posts: 361 ★★

    Tony886 said:

    I'm Cavlier too, not able to push to TB stuck in 6.3.1

    I'm assuming ur stuck on the medusa, basically what you wanna do is use nick and don't dex at all, basically try not to activate any buffs, if you don't have nick then Symbiote Supreme would work, as would Chee Lith, Killmonger might work if you ramp him up to 50 bleed charges but you need insane skill to do that without dexing, basically just any bleed champ who isn't buff reliant or has any buffs
    I didn’t have a great counter so I turned off dexterity in my mastery’s and just parry heavy with a rank 4 5* warlock. It was a long fight but it worked! I found the path itself way harder than Medusa
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★

    Tony886 said:

    I'm Cavlier too, not able to push to TB stuck in 6.3.1

    I'm assuming ur stuck on the medusa, basically what you wanna do is use nick and don't dex at all, basically try not to activate any buffs, if you don't have nick then Symbiote Supreme would work, as would Chee Lith, Killmonger might work if you ramp him up to 50 bleed charges but you need insane skill to do that without dexing, basically just any bleed champ who isn't buff reliant or has any buffs
    Or the free cheelith they gave us that melts her
  • Tonks00Tonks00 Member Posts: 30
    I think that the Banquet event will be fruitful, but I think the milestones are going to be inflated much more from previous years.

    I think that due to the extra Banquet tickets we got, plus the want for everyone to push for the realm event, I'm estimating it's going to be more like 11k-14k units to hit all the solo/alliance milestones. I do think the rewards will be not as good as Cyber, but pretty dang good. Mind you I'm just making assumptions here. Hopefully we will see the milestones this week.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    I hope the realm event rewards are good. We will definitely hit the top milestone thanks to the blubbery whales

    That's a very bold claim considering kabam has years of data they can use to set milestones accordingly. I'm personally just glad that the realm event is an extra on top of the milestones and not something that replaces the milestones. I imagine that will improve community morale knowing they aren't reliant on others to do their part to get rewards.
    The last realm event in BGs did opposite to the goal it intended. Unlike Necropolis one, where we worked together and it was a nice "cherry on top", the BGs one actually divided us. people that normally place in Celestial mass farmed in uru . This made the ranked rewards much more difficult to get.
  • Twodayhang0verTwodayhang0ver Member Posts: 25
    You know, the more I think about it, I’m thinking they stick with the “ten” theme for banquet like everything else that’s happening this month. 10th anniversary, 10 champion drop, 10 glorious reveals, 10k units to hit all banquet milestones.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 998 ★★★★
    As a Paragon, T6B and T3A is still great, and hopefully I can get some 7 r2 and maybe even some r3. I hope this event is good 🙏
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 815 ★★★
    edited December 2024

    Tony886 said:

    I'm Cavlier too, not able to push to TB stuck in 6.3.1

    I'm assuming ur stuck on the medusa, basically what you wanna do is use nick and don't dex at all, basically try not to activate any buffs, if you don't have nick then Symbiote Supreme would work, as would Chee Lith, Killmonger might work if you ramp him up to 50 bleed charges but you need insane skill to do that without dexing, basically just any bleed champ who isn't buff reliant or has any buffs
    Yeah i know its just that I don't have any 6 r3 or 5* r5 which bleeds on hitting to complete that quest just last day i got 6* Moleman will go with him to complete that quest
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