Initial Thoughts On DAZZLER??

My most wanted champ finally here
What are your thoughts on Dazzler so far?
My most wanted champ finally here
What are your thoughts on Dazzler so far?

It’s the final day of the plat track. Gotta use those eyes.
Definitely enjoying her, the tapping during the specials is fun to learn
Debating on dumping sigs to get to 146, or sticking with 69 😎
How'd you get her day 1?
In the Web store the 7 day boosts max at 10.
The track is 3mnths so thats (4×3)=12 7 day boost. So you'd be 2 7* boosts short since it caps at 10 in the webstore.
Did y'all whale out and get the 1 day boosts to complete the last 2 wks?. I don't want that because it just isn't worth it cost wise as you then have to pay $2 for 14 days.
How did y'all get it? enlighten me.
A little history: Dazzler was originally modeled after Grace Jones by creator (artist) John Romita Jr. Eventually (before her debut) she was changed to be modeled after Bo Derek.
Funny enough for Dazzler fans or anyone looking to read more about the character, she currently has a new limited 4 issue Solo running right now by writer Jason Loo and artist Rafael Loureiro.