To Celebrate the Ten Year Anniversary, let’s hear some noob stories!

SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
Whether it’s a dumb death in war, losing your streak in arena by accident, wasting boosts, etc..
I wanna hear em!
I’ll go first.
Back when Nightcrawler and OG Spidey ruled the game in war on defense, for the first time ever without a death- I beat both of them on the same path.
I used 4 star Hyperion at the time, and I thought I was the best player ever.
For reference, this was 8 years ago. Good times.


  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★

    There was time when hyperion and irn man iw were pain in the as* in AW

    Yep, I remember those days all too well.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★

    I complained about not getting a title and then realize I didn't deserve it.

    Good one! Very clever!

  • Kpratish1997Kpratish1997 Member Posts: 143

    There was time when hyperion and irn man iw were pain in the as* in AW

    When there used to be a defence tactics in AW named flow.
  • Kpratish1997Kpratish1997 Member Posts: 143
    There was a time when in AW, on boss island, there used to be a node on left side with 200% power gain.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★

    Seyuoh said:

    I complained about not getting a title and then realize I didn't deserve it.

    Good one! Very clever!

    Nah but in all seriousness, I remember telling a buddy of mine Heavy attacks hit harder the longer you hold it and making him waste revives.
    Also doing stupid match ups like using BWDO against HT...
    Honestly, all jokes aside as well- I’m more so annoyed about the purple banner; but I get why Kabam did what they did. It’s a genius marketing move, especially nowadays to use FOMO- to get people to invest more.
    Yikes, secondhand embarrassment on that BWDO vs Torch matchup.
    If it’s any consolation though, l remember vividly truly believing- that back in the day when it possible; “special parrying” was people cheating. Lmao
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,792 ★★★★★
    dee_jay5 said:

    Back when I was new to this game I remember getting annoyed whenever I awakened a champ coz I thought it's a total waste of crystal getting the same champ I already have

    I thought we get multiple copies of same champ at same rarity, eg 5 copies of 3* gamora if we dupe her 5 times, and we were able to donate the excess copies to other players via alliance help feature lol.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    dee_jay5 said:

    Back when I was new to this game I remember getting annoyed whenever I awakened a champ coz I thought it's a total waste of crystal getting the same champ I already have

    Lo and behold now, it’s by far and away the best way to get ISO stacked up- especially when you’re an endgame valiant player.
  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 215 ★★
    I had absolutely no idea I could end combos with a medium. For so long I just ended mine with light attacks and I was almost Cavalier i think. Felt so stupid, then again not a lot of champs back then benefited from that
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Malchaeis said:

    When war first came out, Ultron was king of war bosses. You couldn't stun him to stop his regen. Willpower was much stronger and duplicate debuffs counted towards willpower regen. Strategy was to get him below his regen threshold and immediately quit so he wouldn't regen. I can hear some people saying Ultron is easy to take out. It was a different time back then. A simpler time. Many factors involved but mostly it was learning to fight against an opponent with masteries. Prepare to laugh but my best champion back then was Iron Fist. So I took him up against Ultron..... you can see the issue here already. He healed just as fast as I damaged him. Complete Noob move.

    You just brought back so many memories, of alliance mates and myself- being scolded for burning 10-20 revives at a time in war; having no clue war deaths counted against us. Haha.
    Most of which were due to good ole Ultron back in the day.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★

    I had absolutely no idea I could end combos with a medium. For so long I just ended mine with light attacks and I was almost Cavalier i think. Felt so stupid, then again not a lot of champs back then benefited from that

    Lesson learned, and not a moment too soon! Quite a few champs now, benefit quite heavily from medium ending combos.
  • cur53dcur53d Member Posts: 309 ★★
    I was afraid to do arena because I didn't want to fight other real people...
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Selling my 1* spiderman like a month into the game because for some reason I didn't like him lol. It would be years later til I got him back
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    When item use was a 3 day event, thinking i was using xp boosts I burnt all 10 of my 30% champion boosts! 🤦
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    When I thought spider mans evade was a buff and venom could nom nom it.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,547 ★★★★
    When I kept trying to dex and would get smashed in the face because I didn't realize I needed the dex mastery.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,693 ★★★★★
    When I first started playing I thought you could move to the next star level after maxing out a champion, turns out it's not possible
  • Heir_of_thanosHeir_of_thanos Member Posts: 59
    Ranked sentry over void because I liked his design better. I didn’t understand champion abilities, just MLLLM Sp3 when ready. Man.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    DRTO said:

    Selling my 1* spiderman like a month into the game because for some reason I didn't like him lol. It would be years later til I got him back

    I did the same with 1 star Deadpool, and in so doing- missed out on the coolest profile pictures in the game; that look different when you already had him. (The events where you could do arena or whatnot for him)
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 972 ★★★★
    For a long time I thought only ISO of the same class could work on a champion, I spent so much glory on useless ISO😂
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    When I first started playing I thought you could move to the next star level after maxing out a champion, turns out it's not possible


    I used to sell champions when I got the next highest rarity. Then I realised it was stupid to sell the 3*s and then stopped selling the 2*s but kept selling the 1*s from daily crystals for ages then decided sod it and kept them and maxed them.
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