The new Event Quest has some interesting lore drops

So I know most people don't read the event quest stories at all, but for the few that do this event quest has had some really interesting information about the contest:
Billions of years ago before Battlerealm was even called Battlerealm, there were The Founders. They did some things, seemingly created the Eidol race/the living ISO-Spheres and then just left for unknown reasons. Isophyne was created to guard the battlerealm until they returned, but she has no idea when they will return. The Founders could just be all dead or unable to return, but she continues to fulfill the purpose they gave her regardless.

Whats revealed in the event quest is that an event she calls "the calamity" happened sometime after the Elders of the Universe arrived, where a massive explosion caused her to fracture into fragments and unable to continue her purpose. This is interesting because we have already seen this explosion; It's part of the in game comic "The Young Elder's tale" that was first shown to us in January 2018.
In that comic, the Grandmaster, Collector and Carina are exploring the battlerealm and end up exploring the corpse of the Celestial that died in Battlerealm, whose death caused a flood of Iso-8 crystals and the main reason Iso-8 is basically everywhere in the contest. After Carina explores by herself and finds a temple inside the corpse of the Celestial, a huge explosion happens which ends up causing her to be crystallized. Trying to restore her becomes the main reason The Collector starts the Contest of Champions, and leads to the story acts where we eventually piece Carina back together and she leads the Battlerealm.
I think this is a really interesting callback and it help explains why the Eidols have only appeared until now. While Carina had the collector, the grandmaster and the Summoner's team bringing the pieces of Carina back together, Isophyne had to somehow reform herself from the fragments by herself.
Another interesting lore drop is how Maestro returned. Maestro's full story has a lot going on: In return for his help to find pieces of Carina, the Collector worked with Maestro on creating The Contest of Champions all the way in the beginning of the game. Maestro then secretely created an infinity stone using Iso-8 for his own amibitions and to dominate the contest. After the events of Act 4 where he is defeated, Thanos takes the infinity stone and Maestro is essentially left for dead.

What happens between then and now requires information only found in the now dead sister game, Marvel Realm of Champions. When he was defeated, he was left on what was called Battleworld, a planet that resides at the very center of the Battlerealm. In the simplest version, he was given power by the entity known as the Chronoserpent that was sleeping at the core of the planet, which is the big threat that the Ouroboros champions worship from Act 9. This power let him dominate over Battleworld and become a god king, ruling over all the other houses in Realm of Champions.
This eventually came to his death which sparked the main conflict and introduction to Marvel Realm of Champions, before the "Elegy Comic" was released when the game died that revealed a multiversal attack of all the major houses played a role in his death. The planet of Battleworld was also destroyed in a fight between one version of Galactus and the Chronoserpent, and nothing was left but a husk of a planet.

What the event quest now reveals is that the reason Maestro has returned is because of The World Tree. For those unaware, the World Tree was part of several event quests between Adam Warlock and Photons addition to the game. This World Tree was planted on the destroyed Battleworld and was crucial to stopping the Multiversal Galactus threat.
This World Tree both grew life into everything it's roots touched, which also included the corpse of The Maestro that had been left on Battleworld after the events of the Elegy comic. This resurrected him from the dead and thus he was able to return to the Battlerealm with his body restored back before it was corrupted by the Chronoserpent. They also directly mention his time on Battleworld in the event quest story, which I really liked.

For someone keeping track of the lore, it's really cool seeing the callbacks to Realm of Champions because while the game itself had many problems, the lore was very interesting and originally the Chronoserpent and Ouroboros were intended to be a multi-game threat with the story happening concurrently between both games. This obviously didn't happen but they could have easily just retconned the whole part about Maestro's rule on Battleworld and his death, but chose to keep the ties to MROC despite that.

Another minor reveal is that the "Glorious Games" saga was created because Maestro wanted to gather villains and relics from the battlerealm in order to fight against the Eidol threat. It's mentioned that he is the reason for several other event quest stories such as the gathering the "Foundary Nexus" cube thing from the Train Heist EQ where Silver Sable and Negasonic were introduced, and also why Count Nefaria arrived in the contest. A nice little tie in for other event quests that are usually just introduce champ, move on.
I'm sure there's stuff I've missed or stuff I got wrong so feel free to correct any wrong info. I've also attached the Young Elders tale comic as a PDF for those that want to read it, since it's a very well drawn comic and also now has added context knowing that this explosion affected more than just the Elders.
Billions of years ago before Battlerealm was even called Battlerealm, there were The Founders. They did some things, seemingly created the Eidol race/the living ISO-Spheres and then just left for unknown reasons. Isophyne was created to guard the battlerealm until they returned, but she has no idea when they will return. The Founders could just be all dead or unable to return, but she continues to fulfill the purpose they gave her regardless.

Whats revealed in the event quest is that an event she calls "the calamity" happened sometime after the Elders of the Universe arrived, where a massive explosion caused her to fracture into fragments and unable to continue her purpose. This is interesting because we have already seen this explosion; It's part of the in game comic "The Young Elder's tale" that was first shown to us in January 2018.
In that comic, the Grandmaster, Collector and Carina are exploring the battlerealm and end up exploring the corpse of the Celestial that died in Battlerealm, whose death caused a flood of Iso-8 crystals and the main reason Iso-8 is basically everywhere in the contest. After Carina explores by herself and finds a temple inside the corpse of the Celestial, a huge explosion happens which ends up causing her to be crystallized. Trying to restore her becomes the main reason The Collector starts the Contest of Champions, and leads to the story acts where we eventually piece Carina back together and she leads the Battlerealm.
I think this is a really interesting callback and it help explains why the Eidols have only appeared until now. While Carina had the collector, the grandmaster and the Summoner's team bringing the pieces of Carina back together, Isophyne had to somehow reform herself from the fragments by herself.
Another interesting lore drop is how Maestro returned. Maestro's full story has a lot going on: In return for his help to find pieces of Carina, the Collector worked with Maestro on creating The Contest of Champions all the way in the beginning of the game. Maestro then secretely created an infinity stone using Iso-8 for his own amibitions and to dominate the contest. After the events of Act 4 where he is defeated, Thanos takes the infinity stone and Maestro is essentially left for dead.

What happens between then and now requires information only found in the now dead sister game, Marvel Realm of Champions. When he was defeated, he was left on what was called Battleworld, a planet that resides at the very center of the Battlerealm. In the simplest version, he was given power by the entity known as the Chronoserpent that was sleeping at the core of the planet, which is the big threat that the Ouroboros champions worship from Act 9. This power let him dominate over Battleworld and become a god king, ruling over all the other houses in Realm of Champions.
This eventually came to his death which sparked the main conflict and introduction to Marvel Realm of Champions, before the "Elegy Comic" was released when the game died that revealed a multiversal attack of all the major houses played a role in his death. The planet of Battleworld was also destroyed in a fight between one version of Galactus and the Chronoserpent, and nothing was left but a husk of a planet.

What the event quest now reveals is that the reason Maestro has returned is because of The World Tree. For those unaware, the World Tree was part of several event quests between Adam Warlock and Photons addition to the game. This World Tree was planted on the destroyed Battleworld and was crucial to stopping the Multiversal Galactus threat.
This World Tree both grew life into everything it's roots touched, which also included the corpse of The Maestro that had been left on Battleworld after the events of the Elegy comic. This resurrected him from the dead and thus he was able to return to the Battlerealm with his body restored back before it was corrupted by the Chronoserpent. They also directly mention his time on Battleworld in the event quest story, which I really liked.

For someone keeping track of the lore, it's really cool seeing the callbacks to Realm of Champions because while the game itself had many problems, the lore was very interesting and originally the Chronoserpent and Ouroboros were intended to be a multi-game threat with the story happening concurrently between both games. This obviously didn't happen but they could have easily just retconned the whole part about Maestro's rule on Battleworld and his death, but chose to keep the ties to MROC despite that.

Another minor reveal is that the "Glorious Games" saga was created because Maestro wanted to gather villains and relics from the battlerealm in order to fight against the Eidol threat. It's mentioned that he is the reason for several other event quest stories such as the gathering the "Foundary Nexus" cube thing from the Train Heist EQ where Silver Sable and Negasonic were introduced, and also why Count Nefaria arrived in the contest. A nice little tie in for other event quests that are usually just introduce champ, move on.
I'm sure there's stuff I've missed or stuff I got wrong so feel free to correct any wrong info. I've also attached the Young Elders tale comic as a PDF for those that want to read it, since it's a very well drawn comic and also now has added context knowing that this explosion affected more than just the Elders.
Also the first time we actually dodge an attack. Which brings up the question on how we control Champions in-universe. One of the anniversary trailers showed we throw out crystals like one would throw Pokemon. After that do we stand on the sidelines and give commands or does our spirit possess the Champion in the fight?