Stop taking away my rights

I'm a simple man, I want to buy 3 and 4 star relic shards in BG shop and 5* sig stones.
idc about "We will implement it in other areas of the game"
No, I don't wanna do your shite daily quests
No, I don't wanna do your shite throne breaker EQ to unlock paragon gauntlet
Stop randomly removing things that don't need to be removed while you choose to ignore us when we've talked about so many things we wanted implemented or fixed
idc about "We will implement it in other areas of the game"
No, I don't wanna do your shite daily quests
No, I don't wanna do your shite throne breaker EQ to unlock paragon gauntlet
Stop randomly removing things that don't need to be removed while you choose to ignore us when we've talked about so many things we wanted implemented or fixed
If Kabam doesn't want to introduce new relics then let those relic random goofy stuff be forgotten in loyalty store.
For your right
To buy sig!!
Technically while you do have some right to complain in general, you don’t have a specific one to do so here. That’s also a revocable privilege that should not be abused.
I think when you’ve reached the point where you start complaining about your rights being taken away when a game change is made in an online game as a service, you’ve lost any reasonable perspective you might have had in the first place. A break might be in order.
It can sometimes be left too yaknow.