Calendar missing

My daily login calender mussing also anniversary champ calender not came


  • TBuchanan24TBuchanan24 Member Posts: 92
    Same. I got the message to get the Spiderman but never got gambit. I noticed that my calendar is missing so that might be why
  • _Andrew_3016__Andrew_3016_ Member Posts: 3
    My calendar is missing as well, I was hoping the issue would be resolved after a few days or after they fixed the 10x10 calendar but I still can’t see my monthly calendar.
  • imut_imut1imut_imut1 Member Posts: 6
  • shadowwarrior59shadowwarrior59 Member Posts: 3
    Same issue here. Can’t view calendar or get rewards from it. Got the 7 star spider but not the champs for the other days
  • Sith_LordSith_Lord Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Both calendars are missing on my account, as well as my son’s account. I am paragon, so I received a 7* Spider-Man via private in-game message yesterday. My son is thronebreaker, he received his 6* spider-Man via private in-game message yesterday as well. Other daily anniversary champs not received, as well as the regular monthly calendar not being visible to claim. Will Kabam be individually giving every player their champions via in-game message if there are no calendars present?
  • dekechridekechri Member Posts: 1
    Both calendars are missing for me as well. I submitted a ticket yesterday and haven’t heard anything yet.
  • Wisdom55Wisdom55 Member Posts: 1
    They claim they have fixed the problem, and yet I still don't have my calendar nor 10x10 drops. Best thing they ever did in the game an I can't even enjoy it.
  • BunnyluvBunnyluv Member Posts: 1
    Still don't have calendars please figure out the problem.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    Kabam did mention when the original problem was going on.
    That after the original fix (which was a day ago), which did fix the issue for most people.

    That if you are still missing the Calendar, that you should SUBMIT a REQUEST Ticket to Support.

    Evidently, there still seem to be a large amount of people still affected, but submitting a Ticket would be best.

    (don't know if they will be able to identify everyone as a group, without Tickets, or if they will need to do this individually, to resolve it for the rest).

    **NOTE, just make sure that you are actually eligible for the 10x10 Calendar.
    Which means being PROVEN or higher.

    (I suspect some people doing new accounts aren’t getting it because they aren’t Proven yet. Although seems to be plenty of others that *are* and still don’t have it)
  • Fja1130Fja1130 Member Posts: 1
    I am proven and 10 of my friends who play this game are higher than me and don't have the calendar or the free champion drop.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    Chovner said:

    I’m still missing my calendar. I got double 5* Spider-Man yesterday I did not get gambit and I didn’t get Gwen either. This is all on my sub account

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    edited December 2024
    So 2 people have said now that their CALENDAR FINALLY SHOWED UP just now.

    Not sure if they will be able to do “targeted” compensation of Days 2+3 or not (specific to just those who had it missing those 2 additional days). Without having people submit Support Tickets ?

    Or whether they would be gracious and do the EVERYONE GETS A CAR (sorry Oprah, I mean 2x of EACH of those last 2 days champs). That might be too generous, as it was a lot less people still affected to warrant Dup'ing for everyone who has successfully got them the last 2 days.
    Kakuzu96 said:

    Good thing that I atleast got my calender back. For some reason it shows I missed my login for 3 days, but it was the calender that was missing......

  • imut_imut1imut_imut1 Member Posts: 6
    yeah the calender showed up this day.. but 2nd and 3rd reward missed because this bug
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Same here now. Calendar finally showed up, but unable to claim the other 2 missing champs.

  • TheninThenin Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2024
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    + @Kakuzu96 @Chovner @Lightvayne @BeardyMini @Jv_enri @Nospheratus @404Tired @Huntemazen @shadowwarrior59
    Raftersun said:

    So what did they say about the missed champs except spidey? I have 2 more champs missed and got the calendar finally after 3 days.

  • 4TWENTY4TWENTY Member Posts: 13
    Same exact thing happened to me. Said I'm missing gambit and gwenpool but it was the calender for 10x10 and regular December login rewards missing and miraculously turned up last night... still no gambit or gwenpool and I've put in two tickets to support 😕
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★

    So 2 people have said now that their CALENDAR FINALLY SHOWED UP just now.

    Not sure if they will be able to do “targeted” compensation of Days 2+3 or not (specific to just those who had it missing those 2 additional days). Without having people submit Support Tickets ?

    Or whether they would be gracious and do the EVERYONE GETS A CAR (sorry Oprah, I mean 2x of EACH of those last 2 days champs). That might be too generous, as it was a lot less people still affected to warrant Dup'ing for everyone who has successfully got them the last 2 days.

    Kakuzu96 said:

    Good thing that I atleast got my calender back. For some reason it shows I missed my login for 3 days, but it was the calender that was missing......

    This is great news. I’ve been missing the calendar on some of my lvl 40/contender alts for over a year (couldn’t do last years accolades event as calendar was missing). Now the calendar has appeared.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    (moved here)
    Vipul9987 said:

    I missed first 4 day logins because of your game bug I didn't have this 10× 7* giveaway login calender until today because I did sent ticket to kabam yesterday. I got compensation for spiderman and calender activated. And today I got my 10× 7* giveaway calendar active and got a guillotine. But what about the other 7* like gambit imiw gwenpool which I missed because of bug and calender not available. Will I get those three 7* via mail as compensation or not? I did login everyday to get them but without calender i didn't get them. Help @kabam

    Zoro_1960 said:

    Me pasó igual con mi cuenta principal irreclamable, me perdí los tres primeros días por no tener el calendario activo por error del juego... Mi cuenta es Angelluz. Lo otro que quisiera saber es si hay una cuenta baneada está puede optar a obtener los 10 de 7*??? Ya que tengo una cuenta en caballero y otra en irreclamable que me fueron baneadas

    The same thing happened to me with my unclaimed main account, I missed the first three days because I didn't have the calendar active due to a game error... My account is ————. The other thing I would like to know is if there is a banned account, can you opt to get the 10 out of 7*??? Since I have an account in gentleman and another in unclaimable that I were banned

    As for Banned Accounts. NO.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    (another merge)
    Mine_360 said:

    Hey there, and good day to any Kabam officials reading this. I recently came back to the game after a long break due to school work pilling up and I initially had some issues with my in game calendar not displaying.

    This was eventually fixed but in the meantime I seem to have missed some of the 7 star drops despite longing in and playing on those days. I came back on the 11th I believe so I was just in time.

    (condensed a little)

    That image is from when I newly came back to the game and it’s a screenshot of the pic I took of the welcome back message with the date as in my phone’s gallery.

    Showing I came on Wednesday 11th of December, as it stands I’ve missed both the 7 star gwenpool and gambit.

    I’ve already opened a support ticket but haven’t gotten any response. Please help.

    While you pic indicates you came back prior to Calendar, doesn’t show you having or not having it.
    But I'm guessing you only just got the 10x Champ calendar in the last couple days.
    So Gambit and Gwenpool were missed while you had not gotten the calendar yet (see all of these other posts about it)

    But that you have already got your day-1 Dup. Spider-Man as compensation in game mail some days ago.
    And have since gotten IMIW, Guilly-99 and Storm-X from calendar.

    So same as a lot of ppl, and will have to wait for those other 2 champs to be mailed out.
  • Mine_360Mine_360 Member Posts: 10
    Well you are correct, I’ve gotten the 7star Spidey compensation but as you’ve said I couldn’t get both Gambit and Gwenpool but have gotten everything after them.
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★

    + @Kakuzu96 @Chovner @Lightvayne @BeardyMini @Jv_enri @Nospheratus @404Tired @Huntemazen @shadowwarrior59

    Raftersun said:

    So what did they say about the missed champs except spidey? I have 2 more champs missed and got the calendar finally after 3 days.

    Same thing as above user. The calendar is working fine for me now, but I still missed out on Gambit and Gwenpool. I opened a ticket to Kabam on Sunday.....I have yet to hear anything back from them.
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