Arena Update When?

MdieMdie Member Posts: 3
So, arena has been negligence for so long now. When will arena receive any new updates?


  • MdieMdie Member Posts: 3
    Or anyone has any idea on what the devs are planning to bring to arena?
  • tznyctznyc Member Posts: 123
    Mdie said:

    Or anyone has any idea on what the devs are planning to bring to arena?

    We do have an idea - they do not have any plans to update, and their explanation is reasonable; it might be a repetitive game mode, but in terms of unit acquisition it is fairly balanced
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,131 ★★★★★
    The only thing I ever see them doing is adding a 7* arena when 7* are reaching r5/r6.
  • SkalamenkoSkalamenko Member Posts: 179
    Never, i hope so.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★
    I'm down for whatever update brings more units, even if they're harder to get. One problem though, and Crashed has been clear on this. If they update arenas then the units we are already getting will just be harder to get. Not worth it.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    Maybe one Day after 2-3 year 7* Not for the moment. ARENA feat arrived 3 year after 6*
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,320 ★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Fryday said:

    Could we please have a pinned Post about Arena, so we don't get one every other day.

    I'm pretty sure they'd pin the 7 star kamala post before they pinned something that would cut down on spam
    It's bold to assume that pinning it would cut down on spam. We've had huge yellow banners telling people about things and people would still make posts because they don't read.
    I'm aware of this communities inability to read, I'm just being snide lol
  • tnair2015tnair2015 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    dont touch arena formats but change the shards from milestones / rank rewards .
  • MdieMdie Member Posts: 3
    tnair2015 said:

    dont touch arena formats but change the shards from milestones / rank rewards .

    Yes i agree. Hopefully they would do update on the shards
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Probably never, and the last time it came up - they advised us to not ask for a change, it would be in our own interests 😉
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    The normal arenas... probably not much to change... maybe tweak the shards to be progression based.

    The Sunday arena... is nearly pointless and needs to be repurposed.

    The catalyst ones... are generally fine, but they could be given a couple more rewards levels and catalysts now that T1a and T4b are rarer for those who are interested in them.

    What would be really cool, but I wouldn't expect, would be for your heroes to pseudo autofight for you, and earn you income (kind of light heroes of might and magic).

    For example every 4 star you have might earn you 250 gold, and for every 10 you have you get 1 T4B per week. While that might not sound like much... if you have 270 of them... It would add up. This could even be rank based / the higher the rank, the more you get, and give you a reason to invest in your lower tiered champions.
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★
    Champion Arenas have existed since 2014 and have always worked the same way. There is absolutely nothing stopping Kabam from keeping the milestones and units as they are and just changing the position rewards, putting the 7-star champion in the top 100 or something like that.
    And yes, I read Kabam's justification, that they would change the milestones and would have to choose between reducing the units or increasing the amount of points. But no.
    They are not forced to reduce the units or increase the amount of points to increase the number of matches to reach the last milestone. It's their game, they decide what to do. They can literally change the position rewards and keep the arena structure the same as we have today.
    Any change in the arena should be in the position rewards. Just reorganize the position rewards.
    If there is a reason why this hasn't happened, it's only because if there is no arena, the only way to guarantee that you will get a champion is to pay with money. And I completely understand why Kabam doesn't want to, they're right.
    What I can't understand is that you guys defend this and don't even propose to have a healthy discussion. This is a forum, things are supposed to be discussed. It's funny because sometimes it's such a one-sided reaction that it even seems artificial.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    Remove arenas and put all the units/battlechips in daily super event.

    Come on @captain_rogers , make it happen.

    We believe in you, you are Captain America after all...unless your are the Hydra version 🤔...are you?
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    Rebark said:

    Champion Arenas have existed since 2014 and have always worked the same way. There is absolutely nothing stopping Kabam from keeping the milestones and units as they are and just changing the position rewards, putting the 7-star champion in the top 100 or something like that.
    And yes, I read Kabam's justification, that they would change the milestones and would have to choose between reducing the units or increasing the amount of points. But no.
    They are not forced to reduce the units or increase the amount of points to increase the number of matches to reach the last milestone. It's their game, they decide what to do. They can literally change the position rewards and keep the arena structure the same as we have today.
    Any change in the arena should be in the position rewards. Just reorganize the position rewards.
    If there is a reason why this hasn't happened, it's only because if there is no arena, the only way to guarantee that you will get a champion is to pay with money. And I completely understand why Kabam doesn't want to, they're right.
    What I can't understand is that you guys defend this and don't even propose to have a healthy discussion. This is a forum, things are supposed to be discussed. It's funny because sometimes it's such a one-sided reaction that it even seems artificial.

    It's not a matter of defending Kabam, it's a matter of defending the best thing we have now and that is how quickly we can clear milestones for units. The most important part of arenas is units. If they were to change anything (and this what they've said), then the will also change how quickly we can earn the units because they don't like it, but they've accepted the balance with the other rewards that are lacking.
    In a perfect dream world, yes, Kabam can just adjust the out of dates rewards and touch nothing else. They are completely capable of doing that, but they've said they won't. And while a rewards upgrade would be nice, it'd have to be significantly more generous than they'd probably be willing to be if it's going to mean significantly increasing the time it takes to farm the units. It's not a worthwhile trade-off.
    There are other ways to solve this.
    They could add an extra arena, without battlechips, without units, without anything.
    Just with the 7-star champion in the position rewards.
    Whoever wants to grind for the champion, grinds only for the champion.
    The fact is that the arenas were one of the first things that existed in this game and they always worked the same way. Over the course of 10 years, they worked. 10 years have passed and absolutely nothing has changed. Nothing new has happened to the point that this has become a problem or even an issue to be discussed, it should be quite simple actually.
    At the same time, I understand that the arena has chronic problems, especially when it comes to obtaining champions. A considerable portion of the accounts that get champions in the arena use third-party programs or pay for mercs. But that is a different issue. My point is that as a community, we should be able to discuss solutions and generate a healthy discussion about the issues.
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    Only thing that I dislike is the scaling for the 4* arena takes so many extra runs compared to the 6* arenas but maybe that’s because I don’t have all my 4* maxed out and my 6/7* can do those arenas in 1 sitting each. Other than that arena has always been a “get out of it what you put into it” deal.
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