Anyone else a Sam fan?



  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    Unless the kit or node adds AA falcon just works. Simple but versatile. I like him
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    I’m not gonna get into an argument about this. It’s a forum and I have my opinion.

    I just think Sam is great in the game.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,872 ★★★★★
    shield311 said:

    smdam38 said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    Silver Centurion has almost same utility with better damage

    Silver Centurion does have better damage but he doesn’t have the same utility as Sam such as -100% offensive ability accuracy into block while bulwark is active, the miss counter with lock on, parrying non contact attacks with armor ups, autoblock vs specials, etc.
    Ridiculous take. Sam eats champs easy with one sp 2.
    Please tell me a better tech champion.
    Omega Sent
    Iron Man
    Doc Oct
    War Machine
    Red Skull
    LDS (maybe)

    all of the above mentioned are unarguable BETTER tech attackers generally, and if you want better defenders that are not listed above then just throw in the remaining techs, Arcade, Mysterio
    Mysterio is definitely a better attacker than sam. Atleast more useful.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Definitely disagree but that’s fine.
    We can disagree and still be friends.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    Definitely disagree but that’s fine.
    We can disagree and still be friends.

    Nice response 🙂

    I mean, I quite like Sam; I just think he should either have more damage; or his utility should be less conditional/unreliable.

    But he definitely has had his uses in content including AoA. And (for example) he's a surprisingly good Bullseye counter; since with a few Armour buffs, he can prevent bleed through block, and inflict Ruptures in return.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    You’re probably smarter at the game than me but what do you mean about the conditional/unreliable part?
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    You’re probably smarter at the game than me but what do you mean about the conditional/unreliable part?

    As far as I can tell with sam u either get good utility or good, damage, its like iso and gold and champs to rank up, you can't have all of them at the same time 😉
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    You’re probably smarter at the game than me but what do you mean about the conditional/unreliable part?

    @Ercarret describes it well, here:
    Ercarret said:

    I find Sam to be infuriatingly close to being a great champion. But to me, there are just too many timers to keep track of and hoops to jump through for there to be fairly underwhelming damage.

    For how much his utility is lauded, I find him extremely lacking in non-conditional utility. He has so much utility tied to his armor ups, but he loses all of them when he uses his SP2. He can bypass miss, but only during his recon scan. He can get a bulwark buff that reduces the opponent's ability accuracy when hitting into his block, but that's also on a timer that may very well expire and leave you vulnerable. He has no utility that's just...there. You have to juggle so many things to even have access to it, and then sacrifice so much of it if you want to deal damage. I find that to be a very frustrating aspect of him.

    The Bulwark ability is great; but short-lived, so you have to keep intercepting, which isn't my strong suit. And you lose all armour after an SP2 - more than once I've had a nasty surprise in a fight because I lost my ability to parry projectiles after an SP2, or took effects through block that I was expecting to ignore.

    I also think his Power Drain ability is so hard to access that it's almost pointless. Basically unless you're Awakened it's barely accessible. And if you are Awakened, unless your opponent has abilities that you're causing to fail, it's barely accessible then, either. If (for example) his SP1 caused Sapped charges to Pause for six seconds, that would go a long way towards making him a halfway decent power control champion.

    I would love it, if they took a look at him for a future Tune-up: he's so close to greatness, but a million miles away 🤷‍♂️
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Again, what do you mean about the utility and damage. I’m dumb. They both seem great.

    Really not getting this. Please explain.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Thanks @Magrailothos
    Will definitely still use though.

    I just really like him.
  • i13i13 Member Posts: 238
    I do love his kit, just never needed to go the full yard with him when I’ve got other champs that can do the same things.

    But still, I think if you can get familiar with using him he can become as useful as Scorpion and save you a lot of heartache when it comes to certain nodes 👍🏻
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    smdam38 said:

    You’re probably smarter at the game than me but what do you mean about the conditional/unreliable part?

    It's conditional that when he "locks on" that the defenders kit (Like archangel) or the node doesn't add defensive ability accuracy. If he doesn't reduce them to 0% he is wayyyyy less valuable.

    You can't take a chance on biohazard or trial by fire or have them evade/go unstoppable on you.

    Playing as falcon you need absolute certainty the defenders Ability Accuracy is 0%
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