Question for those of you who pulled Rintrah from the Titan today

Are you planning to rank him even if unduped?
Reason I ask is that I pretty much immediately duped him as a 6* so don’t really have a lot of experience with him unduped. Is he still a great defender without the dup? I know there are times when I actually wish I had less of sig when he is on offense - with MD I sometimes get to R3 too quickly.
What do you all think?
Reason I ask is that I pretty much immediately duped him as a 6* so don’t really have a lot of experience with him unduped. Is he still a great defender without the dup? I know there are times when I actually wish I had less of sig when he is on offense - with MD I sometimes get to R3 too quickly.
What do you all think?
Question for those of you who pulled Rintrah from the Titan today 43 votes
Dr. Zola
I’d rank him after the dupe.
For unduped Rintrah, you want to corner opponent, root them, build up ruptures and launch special 2. If you have a critical rating stat focus and you consistenly crit on special 2, most opponents without health boosts will be KOed or close to it.
For duped Rintrah, rotation is the same but you power gain and therefore arent building as many ruptures before the special 2. However, this is compensated by more frequently reaching special 2 and access to regen making him a better defender.
I prefer Rintrah unduped on attack and duped on defense. Cant wait to get him as a 7* and use my 6* for defense and 7* for attack. *crosses fingers for next titan pull*