Initial Thoughts On Isophyne
So, now that we officially have her;
Let's hear your initial thoughts on the first EIDOL champion in the game
Let's hear your initial thoughts on the first EIDOL champion in the game
when there are ton of buffs AND they can be nullified AND there isn’t the power sting every time you cross a bar of power node so that you can throw specials back to back then she feels fun to use and has good damage
The fractured bar is fun to play around with though
That sums it up.
- Meh crit rate
- Ramp isn’t the fastest tbh but she’s good against buff heavy champs
- Damage once you get her going is good but like…why would you ever wanna use her over the other insanely powerful mystics
- Meh utility
Very very early thoughts (hopefully they get more +) but as of right now she’s not doing anything great for the mystic class
The more technical mystics are supposed to be about control, versatility, and overwhelming force but instead we keep getting “Scarlet Witch before she learned how to control her powers… RAWRRR” and please consider why cosmic, science, and mutants have been working so much better. Science champions usually don’t gain buffs… therefore mystics automatically become less effective. Mutant champions just ignore the abilities of non superhuman people… therefore they can hard counter skills and even some cosmics. Cosmics all get fury buffs… why? Because cosmics (Gods) hit hard, it’s just that simple. Why don’t mystics have a “I’m a wizard I do wizard things” go to move other than a limited amount of power and buff control that usually comes with a built in kill switch or terrible damage? What can they innately contribute if they aren’t defenders with unstoppable passives or passive power gain (which cosmics also possess)
She's as buff-dependant as Symbiote Supreme but at least Sym Supreme can hit hard in the right matchup. Keeping in mind that 99.99% of people getting isophyne do not have the material to awaken her, I don't see her being realistically usable in any form of content when Dr. Doom, Shathra, Wiccan (who most people got from the Calendar), etc. are all capable of doing what she does and more. Even when people are able to get her awakened, her marked passive and other sig abilities aren't really enough to keep her relevant when there are already so many more better mystics.
Overall I kinda think she was promoted as a new Serpent, Maestro, and buff-heavy champion counter, but I think that, within and outside her niche, there is already enough good mystics for her to not have any impact on the game (and especially not in battlegrounds). Y'already got the free 7 star wiccan, and imo thats a far better investment for the time being.