Balance Program Batching Timeline

While I’m happy to see that Patriot is getting a tuned up, the timeline for it is beyond reasonable.
Leader and Patriot were released in July 2024. We get news of rebalancing in December, and due to knew “batching” his balance will be out sometime close to summer? Did I read that right?
So close to a year before the final version of the champion is available?
I get this will be in flux a little because of when the evaluation windows vs batch windows etc… But these timelines for balances are getting out of control.
Batching the balance of a champ and waiting until you have 3 ready to push out… I get it saves dev time for other things…. But People drop $100 or grind weekends away to buy/earn a champion that will remain in limbo for a 9 months to a year? How is that far to the player base ?
Leader and Patriot were released in July 2024. We get news of rebalancing in December, and due to knew “batching” his balance will be out sometime close to summer? Did I read that right?
So close to a year before the final version of the champion is available?
I get this will be in flux a little because of when the evaluation windows vs batch windows etc… But these timelines for balances are getting out of control.
Batching the balance of a champ and waiting until you have 3 ready to push out… I get it saves dev time for other things…. But People drop $100 or grind weekends away to buy/earn a champion that will remain in limbo for a 9 months to a year? How is that far to the player base ?
Maybe it’s a shift in their design philosophy and they never want to release any OP attackers. Or maybe it’s a design problem and that team needs to step it up. Either way, I agree it’s good they’re doing it, but it sure seems slow when you consider the majority of the retunes are just adjustments to values already in the kits.
Maybe I've missed it on a livestream or something, so I'm asking: has Kabam ever actually said anything about rebalancing of the Deathless champions? (And potentially the Eidols, next year...)
Whilst Deathless Guilly did get an announcement of 'she's fine', there's never been any announcement of them saying they've looked at Deathless King Groot. And of course, it feels important that they take a look at Deathless Vision...
We'll have to see what how this timeline lines up with the new Titan pool updates.
The slower buff rate means that the Early spenders will have to risk considering whether to rank a champion or not, while the slower Titan pool updates means that FTP players will have a good idea of whether to rank up the champion once they get their hands on them?