Kicked from my alliance after 23k pts

TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
edited December 2024 in General Discussion



  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    Wow such a great game.
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    Will they even help?
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,161 ★★★★★
    Hate to see it.
  • dv99999dv99999 Member Posts: 158
    I wonder why he did that bad action
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    Well good thing is that rank rewards for alliances aren't that good to me unless you're in a top 10 alliance, the % gang gets cav and tb scraps. Still my leader is a small peen person and now his ig name and his god forsaken alliance is public, anyways to the rest of you Happy New Year.
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    Riz1 said:

    Seems like an easy fix. Kabam can put an embargo on kicking alliance members during banquet event or actually allow members to claim alliance milestones even though they have been kicked out.

    I agree with this! I think Kabam should disable kicking alliance members during certain special events so players don't get screwed out of their earned rewards.
  • ShrodinbergShrodinberg Member Posts: 68
    DNA3000 said:

    TheRogues said:

    Wow such a great game.

    The problem is not with the game, the problem is with your alliance. And alliances are run by players: it is up to each group of players to decide how to run their alliances. It is not up to Kabam to tell them how to do it.

    First of all, you should open a ticket with support, sometimes they will help players in this situation. But I will tell you something else. I’ve played a fair share of mobile games. In most of them it is extremely difficult to keep players in groups all on the same page. Group leaders will often enforce rules harshly because it is very easy for things to fall apart if everyone just decides to do whatever they think is right, whether they are actually right or not. I play a game where I’m just a peon (well, technically I’m an officer but a relatively inactive one) and there are a specific set of rules everyone who joins must follow. If they don’t they get kicked. Simple as that. It seems harsh; I would not do things that way, but I’ve also seen what happens when that doesn’t happen. Things can go very quickly sideways. Players start slacking, or doing whatever, and pretty soon things become very difficult to control.

    Maybe you were just in a bad alliance. But if they had rules and assignments and you decided to just ignore them for *whatever* reason, they had every right to kick you. Did you talk to your leaders? Did you ask them about the situation? Did you explain what you were thinking *before* doing it? No? That’ll get you kicked from a lot of alliances.
    Agree with that,
    And if 19 out of 20 people joins raids, and you joins AQ, it means, there ' s two bg raids and you're thé last one not joining raids,
    It seems it could be lack of communication
  • ShrodinbergShrodinberg Member Posts: 68
    TheRogues said:

    19 people out of 30 joined Raids, i was out of tickets and didn't want to leech on the last unexplored road but all the bosses was dead, so i jumped into bg3 a map 8 aq that was up but no one was in it so i defeated 3 enemies and got kicked.

    Definitely an alliance without communication it there's still unexplored road with 19 people on 2 BG😅
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    It started with some guy before the event he went all omg this alliance doesn't care about opening crystal blah blah, he left after that others left and new people joined, but the event had alrady started by then. Last weeks our leader and officers have been switching between two and three battlegroups, i've been in all AQ and AW, also it was 11 players with me who could have joined the Raid, i wasn't even one of the 10 players of the selected group.
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    So i guess the other 10 people was all randoms that gave no fks since they might have joined after the event had already begun and could care less about joining in or not. And the alliance was pretty laid back aslong as you did something and i think 6-7 fights each AW and 15+ AQ fights is good each day.
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    And the real two faced poker faced part is that someone in the alliance said i should do map 8, which was bg3 so i did, got to Centurion and got kicked mid fight. And before starting the fights in map 8 the leader said something about the other members answer and was alright good enough do that.
  • TheRoguesTheRogues Member Posts: 16
    But hey everything is cool now that i've taken an extra look at the alliance rank rewards, i was just a lil shocked by the sudden kick. But man that sweet glory hurts oh well there is always a new week and a new alliance.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,298 Guardian
    edited December 2024

    Riz1 said:

    Seems like an easy fix. Kabam can put an embargo on kicking alliance members during banquet event or actually allow members to claim alliance milestones even though they have been kicked out.

    I agree with this! I think Kabam should disable kicking alliance members during certain special events so players don't get screwed out of their earned rewards.
    Lots of issues can stem from this. Imagine top tier AW if someone gets a plant in another top alliance and the second the event starts, that person can swap their defenders out and have no one placed and now that alliance is screwed for every war during that event because they can't kick. Also is unhelpful for of someone legitimately can't play the game anymore, then they're just dead weight which impacts the whole alliance. There's a lot of harm that can be done to people who really care about the game if kicking was not allowed during certain events.
  • CROSSHAIRSCROSSHAIRS Member Posts: 611 ★★
    And that is why we make our own alliances 🗿
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,634 ★★★★★
    I never was in Alliance

    So, if they kick someone, others receive a better rewards percentage of total, or is the same?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian

    I never was in Alliance

    So, if they kick someone, others receive a better rewards percentage of total, or is the same?

    Alliance rewards are not split between members. Rewards are determined by alliance performance, and then those rewards are distributed to each member of the alliance that is present and qualified at the moment rewards are distributed. Rewards are always calculated per-member. In other words, the rewards you see the alliance earn are the rewards you will get, not a pool of rewards that gets shared.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,205 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Honestly after reading.. if you made me lose exploration rewards over lack of communication I would have kicked you too...

    So true and real
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    TheRogues said:

    19 people out of 30 joined Raids, i was out of tickets and didn't want to leech on the last unexplored road but all the bosses was dead, so i jumped into bg3 a map 8 aq that was up but no one was in it so i defeated 3 enemies and got kicked.

    This part makes me think there's more to the story. Were you assigned a Raid group or there was no assignment and people just randomly jump on? And did you and the officers agree you would be joining BG3 or you just made that decision yourself? Anyways, hopefully everything works out for you
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,128 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Honestly after reading.. if you made me lose exploration rewards over lack of communication I would have kicked you too...

    So true and real
    Yeah.. thong is you can explore with 18... So not sure what happened here
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    Riz1 said:

    Seems like an easy fix. Kabam can put an embargo on kicking alliance members during banquet event or actually allow members to claim alliance milestones even though they have been kicked out.

    I dislike this idea. I think it's better to simply move the highest-tier rewards away from the ranked alliance rewards and into other areas of the game. Which, I feel, is about how the Banquet is structured anyway.

    The reason I don't like the idea of putting an embargo on kicking players is that, well, sometime someone just has to go. We once got docked a significant amount of points in AW because someone cheated. He needed to go ASAP. That would have been even more important if Banquet had been active/just around the corner, so that he didn't screw up that event for everyone else. Sometimes you just gotta save the integrity of the alliance over giving a single member a second chance.

    (I'm not saying that anything of this is relevant in OP's case.)

    Question for OP: did you reach the alliance rewards before being kicked? If you did, getting kicked isn't that big of a deal. While I understand that it sucks getting booted mid-event, it's nonetheless not in the ranked alliance rewards that the best stuff resides.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    Does it not makes sense to reduce the alliance points for each member kicked. It will just be as if that member were not there.
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