Who should I use a 7* Mutant Awakening Gem on?

TJ107TJ107 Member Posts: 106
Who should I use a mutant AG (Mr. Sinister already rank 3 or Dazzler)? who need it more? since I already have a 2-3 gem and can use it rank 3 Dazzler as well?

Who should I use a 7* Mutant Awakening Gem on? 39 votes

Mr. Sisnister
Batmania15GK_23TerrayossTurguzGyanemdjerSbkruebpeixemacacoBLACKMILKTEA_88captain_rogersPolygonThe_Doctor_24_1ChiefGoatFrydayashwani597YeigJokergang54MiStaloOvaEdisonLawCloudddey_bro 24 votes
Spity68BigTuna_2054KabilatGhostPoolSpiderFiiNCHAdokAOLOGNONYABIZZDeadTedpoolTrongNovAsyalolORHypeBuffedCookieJarMonstaAwesomep12Ironwarrior 15 votes


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,138 ★★★★★
    Mr. Sisnister
    Sinister, dazzler is in the pass and if you whaled to get her from that already she'll be in the next Titan. Sinister wont be available for awhile.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,685 ★★★★★
    Mr. Sisnister
    Dazzler should be in the next titan, so there’s a chance you can dupe her there. Meanwhile there’s no way to naturally dupe Sinister through crystals for now
  • TJ107TJ107 Member Posts: 106

    Thanks guys 🙏🏼
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