Gave to Shathra who should be receiving all the hype spiral is
Yeah - I have to say I’m coming around to your POV. Have tried to like Spiral but find her rotation and keeping her fervors maxed to be not intuitive and stressful. Will keep at it for a bit but starting to think Shathra may be a better use of my time.
Skill. I’m not really feeling any reason to use it just yet. I already have Mantis at R3 and I don’t want to use it on a defender like Korg or Attuma. My R2 Killmonger is not performing well enough for me to want to invest further in him.
I’m thinking maybe Black Panther Civil War, but then I would have to use the awakening gem on him and I’m leaning more towards Medusa or Sentinel for that. I don’t have 7* Bullseye yet, but my R5 max sig ascended 6* is fine for now. Maybe Black Cat? Or maybe I wait for Mole Man or Crossbones? I’m just going to sit it out for a while. Maybe a new champ will drop that I will be excited about.
Mystic, only 2 i could currently do are Wiccan and wong, so gonna hold a bit until I try to do so.e more carinas necro or get someone else I would rather use it on.
I’m thinking maybe Black Panther Civil War, but then I would have to use the awakening gem on him and I’m leaning more towards Medusa or Sentinel for that. I don’t have 7* Bullseye yet, but my R5 max sig ascended 6* is fine for now. Maybe Black Cat? Or maybe I wait for Mole Man or Crossbones? I’m just going to sit it out for a while. Maybe a new champ will drop that I will be excited about.
Tech Gem, had 2 generics. Used 1 on DKG, saving the last one for D. Thanos
Probably holding for Spiral or Shathra.
You just throw all your banquet stuff at one dude for one last 2024 (possibly ill-advised) rank up for the one good luck key you got.
Dr. Zola