banned for Losing on purpose in BGs

Can losing a battlegrounds match on purpose get you banned?
Immediately forfeiting or just letting the defending champ K.O. your attackers.
Does any one have a screenshot of an official statement made by kabam on the matter?
I keep getting people saying yes and others saying no but no one giving any proof.
And about a third of the matches I play In BGs is just people immediately forfeiting
Immediately forfeiting or just letting the defending champ K.O. your attackers.
Does any one have a screenshot of an official statement made by kabam on the matter?
I keep getting people saying yes and others saying no but no one giving any proof.
And about a third of the matches I play In BGs is just people immediately forfeiting
Crashed, when they redid the token system +2/-1 would make farming much more difficult (and then something along the lines of they are not worried about it now).
I can try to find the screenshots if that would ease your mind also.
Don't waste too much time on it.
I tried finding it myself but couldn't find anything about it, just about sandbagging in BattleGrounds.
Mainly want a screen shot to actually know which is right and to present to other people.
Doesn't this post kind of insinuate that it is bannable or at least punishable?
If at the brink of G.C., and wanting to avoid jumping into G.C., where getting Solo/Ally Event points may be more difficult.
If you always seem to be using Elder Marks when you are trying to win.
And then using Energy when obviously losing to drop you from that threshold.
Over and over.
Probably would be on their radar.
But continuing to lose quickly so you can squeeze in more matches, even on Elder Marks (to get higher points, even with a loss), even when you are at ZERO MEDALS toward advancement.
Shouldn’t be a problem.
Especially if still quite a ways away from G.C.
For some reason you don't get demoted to a lower division when you lose without any victory medals unlike how most other competitive games do it.
So I was basically just backed up in a corner getting beaten up over and over.
Valiants and Paragons trying to be at Diamond with TB and lower levels
This is not a honest gaming play
Kabam may look for this and the pause button