Explain why you love X champion

Copy and paste these picks and insert your own.
Quirky Pick:
Underrated Pick:
Favorite Animations Pick:
Old Reliable Pick:
Quirky Pick: Arcade - even before his buff, I just fell in love with his playstyle and animations. I wish he was a better damage dealer with all those debuffs but I still find him to be awesome.
Underrated Pick: Joe Fixit. I honestly think I may rank 3 him over Hulk and Luke Cage (unawakened). Joe can regenerate on demand, his bleed debuffs on the special 1 are awesome, stun on special 2… what’s not to love about him?
Favorite Animations Pick: Back in the day - Moon Knight and Guillotine were my favorite animations. Now… probably Werewolf - he just feels so smooth and his playstyle really makes it feel like you’re just shredding the opponent. Love what I’m seeing now from Scream too.
Old Reliable Pick: tie between Hercules and Aegon. Whenever there is difficult content (especially back in the day), I always find myself coming back to these two champions. I agree that Hercules wasn’t actually good for the game but man… he got me through a lot of content. And I still contend that Aegon at 999 combo is the best champion in the game.
Quirky Pick:
Underrated Pick:
Favorite Animations Pick:
Old Reliable Pick:
Quirky Pick: Arcade - even before his buff, I just fell in love with his playstyle and animations. I wish he was a better damage dealer with all those debuffs but I still find him to be awesome.
Underrated Pick: Joe Fixit. I honestly think I may rank 3 him over Hulk and Luke Cage (unawakened). Joe can regenerate on demand, his bleed debuffs on the special 1 are awesome, stun on special 2… what’s not to love about him?
Favorite Animations Pick: Back in the day - Moon Knight and Guillotine were my favorite animations. Now… probably Werewolf - he just feels so smooth and his playstyle really makes it feel like you’re just shredding the opponent. Love what I’m seeing now from Scream too.
Old Reliable Pick: tie between Hercules and Aegon. Whenever there is difficult content (especially back in the day), I always find myself coming back to these two champions. I agree that Hercules wasn’t actually good for the game but man… he got me through a lot of content. And I still contend that Aegon at 999 combo is the best champion in the game.
Underrated Pick: Destroyer, I pulled him early as 7* when he was added to the Titan pool and I love him. Gets me lots of wins on defense and very underated on attack. He doesn’t even need buff match ups to shine, and his hinder debuff is very underated.
Favorite Animations Pick: Airwalker, I loved this champ when I was exploring story content back in the day. His animations are crazy and his sp3 is still one of the best in the game. Would love to see him tuned up and added as a 7*
Old Reliable Pick: Hulkbuster, his power control and damage are insane and I use him everywhere. From necropolis, AW, AQ Raids, Story, and BG he puts in work.
He just never die.
Don't have him in 7* yet - but what a dynamic top ranked +ascended sword and evasion master!
He's one of my favorite mutant from the comics and he arrived (get buffed) just in time for me to kill the boss.
He get my to Valiant title - honorable mention to OG Daredevil for becoming Paragon first.
And yeah... i'm an projectile evasion fan!
Underrated Pick: SANDMAN
Could have been my animation fav. too.
I feel like players didn't give him the credits he deserved.
Once your ramped up - your in control of your matchup
Bleed, Poison and Shock immune!
Favorite Animations Pick: SPOT
There are so many possibilies here as the Kabam design, conception and creation team rarely deceived.
But even if I feel that there are more spectacular animations - I still think that with Spot smooth transitions from all SP attacks - he's my winner. Still having hard time to use him perfectly with is gameplay style but... love him.
Old Reliable Pick: ANTMAN (FUTURE)
He is so reliable defensively in all situation, plus a good attacker by controling the ennemis power bars. He was always my frontrunner on this journey to become Paragon and Valiant. I start to play with confidence with him then I surround him with other champs to finished the job when gave it all. Also a top 5 for me for the animation.
Underrated Pick: Jabari Panther. She has solid bleed damage + great utility that makes her a formidable attacker, but gets so much undeserved hate.
Red Skull on attack. Sometimes I just let the defender keep hitting into his block and watch their power and health drain 😂
Favorite Animations Pick: ✨️Captain Marvel✨️.....Sp 2. High kick into a 2 hit combo into 2 photon blasts. Sp 3....has the best superhero landing EVER 🙂
IronHeart....Sp 1. ends with a cool laser light show. Sp 2. Multiple chest stomps then her arc blast.
Spiral my 6 armed assassin....her Wushu movements during specials are just sooo graceful, refreshing, and mesmerizing to watch. Sometimes I wish I could keep her specials in a constant loop lol. Her dancing swords are magical. Plus her entrance is EVERYTHING 🤣
And I'm going to go ahead and add Okoye to this because her Sp 2 is 🔥😤
Old Reliable Pick: My ✨️😍Captain Marvel😍✨️
Ever since I understood her full potential, she's been my go-to for so much. Good for questing and great attacker for BGs. My favorites to use her against are champs who inflict energy damage (Onslaught, Bishop, Domino, etc.) since they accelerate her into Binary Ignition where she does some serious damage. She will be my first r6. She is bae and I'm happily spoiled lol.
Many people sleep on her, she may not be considered a weird pick, but I love playing her, and I love her kit, another thing is she’s not only for long fights, she can shine in shorter story fights, I’ve used her on many tech paths, because after you ramp, which is usually just one fight, you usually don’t die and she can stay alive for the whole quest, not to mention she can also do crazy damage
underrated pick : dragon man
I love using his slow, and his unblockable on heavy is real nice, power gain, good damage, fury, and unstoppable, I used him in 9.1.2 the mystic path when I was really struggling, and he held his own. So glad I have him and use him pretty often, not to mention he catches people off guard sometimes in bgs.
Old reliable pick : Titania
when in doubt, punch it out. She’s my next r3, I end up using her WAYYY more then I thought I would, and her damage is real solid with good utility. Overall can’t go wrong with her
Favorite animations pick ( I forgot this one ) : vox
he has really good animations, whoever designed him did a good job. His win screen is amazing, his sp1 is solid, and his sp2 I love seeing, overall visually a great champ
Underrated Pick: Sandman. He has so much utility. He's one of my most-used champions when it comes to the Seasons of Pain fights. He's similar to Odin in that sense. Not someone I use to burst down fools in Battlegrounds, but super useful in endgame content.
Favorite Animations Pick: Black Cat. It's been a while since I used her since I don't have the 7* awakened and therefore haven't ranked her up, but she's so much fun to play. So incredibly smooth.
Old Reliable Pick: Carnage. While fairly light on utility, I just love his playstyle. When he's awakened, you can just spam special attacks like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately that doesn't really gel well with the recoil masteries (that I've been running pretty constantly since the mastery setups were introduced), but I'll manage. Or I would, if he'd been available as a 7* outside of that ridiculous unit offer a while ago. I'm a little salty about that and hope he's added to the basic pool sooner or later. Preferably sooner.
Underrated: Sersi. She is a solid champ with near permanent furies on the sp2 as you refresh them. But I’ve only brought her to r3 because an alliance mate said he felt sorry for whoever pulled her. Still use her offensively in BGs. Still crushes both on O and D
Fav Animation: N/A. Love a lot of the animations in the game but I don’t really have a favorite of them. I’ll give it to Arcade just because of how goofy he looks when throwing heavies. He’s got the showmanship.
Old Reliable: Iron Man. Especially for certain war paths but his buff was just fantastic. Only the maxed out 6* but I’m hoping to pull him as a 7.
He is pretty fun with synergies, although not OP. Just enjoyable experience, that's all
Underrated: Black Cat
Now, I know many players enjoy her, but she never ceases to surprise me. She was my first 7* r3 bcs I got a skill gem and didn't have any better option, but she quickly became my lifesaver in many situations. Great dmg, great AAR, surprisingly convenient to play.
Fave animations: Vox
Do I need to comment this?
Old Reliable: Kate Bishop
Unless it has big energy resistance or is coldsnap immune, just Kate it
My mind makes excuses for and accepts any character model. Mangog? Let's go Demon. Dragonman? Pff not even scared. Toad? Disgusting so what.
Spiral entering the fight that way? That's a woman possessed lol Not even ashamed to say I'd lay down my weapons and run the opposite direction.
Underrated: Immortal abomination. Good defender, so fun on attack. Oh, you're poison immune? Too bad!
Fave animations: Onslaught. He's so cool, he shreds everything
Old reliable: kate bishop. Great evade counter, super fun to play
Underrated: Joe Fixit - Duped him a while back, absolute blast using him, lot of utility and even more damage.
Fave animations: Onslaught, or vox. vox's win screen is just too good though.
Old reliable: Very obv, HERC.
Underrated Pick: G99
Favorite Animations Pick: GOAT Doom
Old Reliable Pick: Void
People like to rag on him but once you get his rotation down he absolutely shreds. He only needs a few little tweaks to become really damn good imo, mostly a way to deal with incinerate immunity, a way to store the effects of his fury and about buffs even if you convert them during cosmic overload, and gaining some sort of aptitude after each cosmic overload ends to let him stack his damage a little more.
Underrated pick: sauron
I'll never call sauron one of the greatest attackers in the mutant class but I always have a blast playing him and he's so sustainable. He reminds me a lot of ghost rider in that he doesn't deal an insane amount of damage, though it is strong, but he can end each damage loop healing pretty much any damage you've taken if you can play him right and I always like taking him in bgs with people assuming I'm throwing him on defense only to use him as an attacker.
Fave animations: red goblin
Something about the timing and impact of them just really works for me
Old reliable: mole man
Since his buff mole man has put in more work for me than any other character, save maybe absorbing man. He's an absolute machine and easily one of my favourite characters in the game
Underrated Pick: Vision (Aarkus) Cold Snap and Armor Breaks and back to back to back specials super fun.
Favorite Animations Pick: Dazzler she's like a shiny new toy for the moment.
Old Reliable Pick: Domino Give me that RNG baby!!!
Underrated Pick: Sersi. Defensive value has fallen off, but she can put up some big numbers.
Favorite Animations Pick: Void.
Old Reliable Pick: Kate. I've had many favorite champs in the game over the years, but I love her mechanics and would likely play her even if her damage wasn't busted.
Amora is an amazing BG defender. My 3 stars was hidden among my 6 and 7 stars and nobody banned her.
She won a lot of fights against 6 and 7 🤣
Underrated Pick: Dragon Man. A real beast. If the rival dont know how to fight against is instant death. If the rival knows he pause till the end. But most of time is banned
Favorite Animations Pick: Hercules always. Fluid animations, easy play style, a real great Champion
Old Reliable Pick: Wasp, that I used for everything and helped me on this long way to TB. Even against skill. If you manage to stun rival, you can win with 2 or 3 Heavies
Underrated pick: Punisher 2099: Watch Trappy’s videos, he’s amazing
Favorite animations: Vox, no explanation needed
Old reliable pick: Archangel or Hyperion: both aged like fine wine. 7* Archangel would honestly be a top 5 mutant
Because the X-Men are the coolest characters in the world.
X for life!
This guy just hits blocks all day, and time and time again he’s finished fights with a 1-hit combo 🤫
Underrated Pick: Iceman
This guy has the strongest shield and no one realises it, it’s saved me from pushing big bosses to special 3, he can instant kill when it breaks. And every time I load the opponent’s up with ice, I’ll hold a heavy and my head hears a gun cocking sound right on cue 👌
Favorite Animations Pick: CGR
That dude is obviously having fun 🤩
Old Reliable Pick: Symbiote Surpreme
Reliable nullifier that can just keep pushing specials and bleeds.