In Game Contacts/Messaging Broken

Having issues scrolling through contacts, dueling targets and generally using in game messaging and contact function.
What happens? No scrolling. Unable to tap contact or target to duel.
What broke this? It’s a very simple function and will be a large issue if duel targets become a part of the game any time soon.
Please get this fixed.
Dr. Zola
What happens? No scrolling. Unable to tap contact or target to duel.
What broke this? It’s a very simple function and will be a large issue if duel targets become a part of the game any time soon.
Please get this fixed.
Dr. Zola
Please @KabamPinwheel take a look at this.
I’m not able to scroll at all down my contacts. Also, I’ve had one instance where tapping a profile to duel actually worked; all others were like a dead screen.
I’ve got a couple of ally mates with a similar issue—in game messaging down because unable to scroll through contact list.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Motorola G9 Play here
But game team only gave attention to this thread from Mr. Dr. zola
It’s annoying af and has been ongoing since the UI update
But I’ve been able to scroll if I swipe just to the left of the contact boxes, just to the left of their profile pics.
Sometimes works, sometimes not, just keep trying there.
Same with clicking on profile pic to get pop-up. Just keep trying. If doe’s not work, try getting a swipe of contacts list to move the list slightly, then try profile pic pop-up again.
Earlier, I could do it (as someone else mentioned) by beginning swipe on the separator line between contacts. (which is funny, because that often is the spot that you can NOT begin a swipe normally like in Alliance Chat Pane, etc (which always bugged me).
But we prefer to move the way we used to do.
Hope this hot fix solve this too
So, checking again, I am indeed able to click on their profile pic and do a swipe of the list
*BUT* (and similar to sometimes not being able to get the Pop-up) press, but do not release, their profile pic.
If you see the profile pic being “selected”, you can then either release your finger from it to get the Pop-up for that person. -OR- while finger is still on screen you can then proceed to do your Swipe.
Seeing the Profile Pic be responsive is an indication that you can continue with the Swipe or Pop-up.
But if pressing down on profile pic does NOT highlight it, then you know that the game is still taking it's time in doing a REFRESH of the list, and you have to wait a bit until you can try again.
Dr. Zola
Since I can’t scroll through my contacts, I can’t contact them unless they are on my first page of contacts.
They can’t contact me unless I am on their first page.
Why has this—a simple and basic game function—been allowed to remain this badly broken for this long?
Dr. Zola