I want my 7 star sigil scarlet witch

How does 600 units compensate for a 7 star sigil witch kabam would have sold her to us for 100$ US dollars in the store so that should have been 3000 units for compensation
My advice is to take the compensation, adjust your expectations and move on as your energies will unlikely yield any favorable outcome.
I wish you all the best with your ongoing endeavours to secure that sweet, 7* Sigil Witch 💪
Dr. Zola
Drop Sigil Witch price to 300 credits and that’s more like it.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Basically they are telling us they prolonged the acquisition time for players that bought the sigil from early days, making us buy the sigil longer. And now those credits are just common.
Dr. Zola