Best mastery setup for battlegrounds

I run max recoil and suicides but I really want to try a new setup for once
Can someone post their battleground mastery setup
Can someone post their battleground mastery setup
You want limber at max rank. And if your roster is mystic heavy, then mystic dispersion is good.
Stand your ground being maxed out is very good. So is despair. Aside from that, max precision, and the usual
60% attack boost when the opponent is below 18% health is really helpful to get the extra time bonus in BG.
Especially if you use someone like Hulk and are trying to get them down from 80% to 0% health during the stun lock, Assassin will really help you get there.
It also reduces defensive ability accuracy by 20%, so sometimes even the awakened Serpent doesn't trigger his death immunity. Can't rely on it, but it's nice when it happens.
Max out Despair, 3x Block Proficiency, max Stand Your Ground, max Willpower, max Inequity and max Limber - basically, set it up so you have the most toxic masteries when you place your defense, lol. Here’s what I run:
I also have max Collared Tech and 4x Mystic Dispersion for some extra juice on my Mystics and Techs on both Offense and Defense. I am admittedly considering taking off Collared Tech and one point from MD to throw into Assassin like suggested above, but not 100%.
So I definitely run two different sets of masteries for BG and non-BG, and I don't have to spend units to recustomize or activate and deactivate.
BG masteries (with defensive acknowledgements):
Masteries for other content (100% offense-focused):
I can't remember what my BG defensive layout is, but this is why I don't run WP and Inequity in my non-BG layout; I don't want to invest points in Stand Your Ground or Perfect Block just to unlock the other stuff.
I personally run 5/5 deep wounds and 5/5 MD because I use a lot of mystics and bleeders. I also only have my standard 2 points in stand your ground because realistically, how many people are actually throwing heavies through the opponents block in PvP? Maybe a lot, but I'm not one of them.
If you run a decent amount of techs, then Collar tech is also a good mastery to invest in.
Whereas 5/5 MD can generate tremendous amounts of power gain.
But the raw healing will scale with the number and duration of debuffs you're suffering from.
So if you're taking a lot of debuffs (like if you run suicides), it will help.
Otherwise, the difference will be less substantial.
3/4 for block prof is enough, you can estimate how it scales by checking stat focus of the champs.
For stalling, max resonate paired with inequity is underrated if you have champs with easy access to debuffs or punish purify.
Only 1/5 for deep wounds just because it's very easy to counter and you need it to get 1/5 for assassin.