Help me understand the new sigil subscription... NERFS..., A YEAR WORTH OF PAYMENT FOR ITEMS...?

Soo we only get 60 credits per month right? If we buy it from the web store it's 75 a month. There are 7 star, 7 star nexus, 7 star titan crystals that we can buy with credits and they have a weekly reset timer. 7 star titan costs 700 credits...
Let's say I want to go for a titan crystal and I'm starting from 0 credit and buying it in game not from the web store. IS IT 12 MONTHS OF PAYMENTS TO GET A SINGLE TITAN THAT HAS A 7 DAY RESET TIMER? Am I missing something here like wtf is going on? and going for the titan, I almost can't even buy anything with the said credits...
They even nerfed the store like, we used to get 5 sigil potions a month for other potions as the cost, now costs credit... boosts cost credit now and we could use to get them with gold, come ooon...
Who in the rigth mind though this was a good idea??
Please tell me if I'm missing something like are there other ways to get credits without paying more?
Let's say I want to go for a titan crystal and I'm starting from 0 credit and buying it in game not from the web store. IS IT 12 MONTHS OF PAYMENTS TO GET A SINGLE TITAN THAT HAS A 7 DAY RESET TIMER? Am I missing something here like wtf is going on? and going for the titan, I almost can't even buy anything with the said credits...
They even nerfed the store like, we used to get 5 sigil potions a month for other potions as the cost, now costs credit... boosts cost credit now and we could use to get them with gold, come ooon...
Who in the rigth mind though this was a good idea??
Please tell me if I'm missing something like are there other ways to get credits without paying more?
They are only trying to sell this for the refined xp and nothing else. TBH I don't even care about the refined xp. On the live stream they said almost 2 months per level. Spending almost 2 years to reach the max level which doesn't even have great things in itself is meaningless.
I think kabam and all of us lost our understanding of time. A whole year of spending for a single titan... Almost 2 years of grinding for the level cap... Time isn't that cheap guys this is just a game...
Like I said the store is a downgrade. Boosts and potions are locked behind credits... Even the deal for a 7 star crystal for 150.000 6 star shards is insane. As a player who almost have every 6 star character, when I think about the iso and max sig level crsytals that I'll be missing, this offer looks really bad. If it was 100.000 6 crystals maybe but 150.000 is basically too much.
I won't buy the sigil again because the only thing in there is refined xp and I don't care, it will still take like almost 2 years to reach max level, so why bother?
So you want to trade five 6* crystals for one 7*. That isn't reasonable and if that's your floor for what can be constituted a good deal then it doesn't really matter what kabam offer as it will never be good enough under those expectations.
There was supposed to be a Exclusive Solo Event that gave extra credits each week but I think they may have chosen to scrap it in favor of just the weekly bundle to stretch out the breadcrumbs
But one thing I didn't think of is that a weekly shard trade in for shards gives you the option of topping up your existing 7* shard count to get you to your next crystal. So yeah. It probably should be weekly for shards
Its better for a player to trade 90k on one month, 60k on the other than 150k on 1 month and be empty handed the next while paying the same subscription.
Like traders outpost you can not get every single item from traders outpost but is it ok? Of course it is because it is an open shop and you don't have to pay to open that shop. We are paying to open black iso market, if we don't have enough time a get all the items from that shop that we want, then what is it point of that or of a monthly sub?
It also has arena express which is the single biggest thing in the whole thing for me anyway, and for anyone who does serious arena unit grinding I would think. That alone will keep me subscribed because as someone that trys to grind all available unit milestones in all the arenas trying to do it without express is just not it.
It hasn't been designed about being a perk, a premium service other than arena express and storage expension. At 10 months per titan people can't even target a pool they desire. There is at least 2 if not 3 pool updates by the time you can get one.
"I think kabam and all of us lost our understanding of time. A whole year of spending for a single titan... Almost 2 years of grinding for the level cap... Time isn't that cheap guys this is just a game..."
On top of this ungetable items from the store, items that used to cost gold and potions now has a credit cost. Yeah wow what a deal. 375 units per month wow I can open a single featured crystal thanks kabam.
In terms of arena it is great to go through it fast. But mostly low spenders or ftp players grind arena that much. Arena feature should not be behind a paywall from the begining. Like instead of saying it should be free, you are supporting it should be 120$ per year... It should've been free this whole time.
There’s a pretty good chance I could get that offer for a year if I wanted to given my rate of shard acquisition.
The reason I even have that stockpile is I have virtually all the 6* champs, such that I only open featured to fill in gaps, I have plenty of gold and ISO and have no need to open 6* crystals for that purpose, and I already have IIF.
Most of the 6s I use regularly that need it are at max sig, so barring the rare new pull 6* crystals’ primary benefit to me is 7* shards from duplication and max sig crystals. So for me the choice is save them up and periodically splurge on featureds or trade for the 7, and that makes the 7 look fairly attractive right now.
I will say I am not a fan of many of the changes to the shard trade ups. I don’t know why they got rid of the 6* featured trade, I don’t know why they made the overall shard trades more “chunky” and in some situations aggressive more costly. But if any trade is an opportunity improvement it’s the 7* trade. It’s not for everyone, and most won’t be able to sustain it continuously (nor should people have to do that for it to be a valid trade) but it is a decent value trade.
Another thing I’m not a fan of: the habit of people speaking for or thinking they in any way represent most or all players. I’m an above average (in roster) Valiant, and I know Valiants far stronger than I am that think the trade is at least worth considering, for similar reasons as me (the lack of value from 6* crystals in general). For someone who claims to know what “advanced Valiants” want you seem to be strongly overvaluing the currency we’re being asked to spend. I think a lot of higher Valiant Sigil subscribers are not going to choose to use that trade for a variety of reasons, but I would bet many will.
For me personally, at 100k it would be an instant no-brainer trade. I would do it without thinking. At 200k, I would avoid the trade entirely. 150k happens to land in the grey area where I have to think about it, but will probably end up doing it. Coincidentally, the trade probably lands right at the decision point for me.