Honoring Inara Caroline

ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 362 ★★★★
Hello Summoners,

Some of you may know me as being on forums trying to be vocal at times, supportive at others and helpful when needed.

I've been struggling for the past 2 days because we lost my baby girl pup and I was hoping you could help me by honoring her and watching my tribute to her I made.

I haven't been able to even play MCOC since this happened suddenly, out of the blue on Wednesday early afternoon. My alliance has bee supportive and helping with covering my paths for a couple of days so I could focus and grieve.

So if you could be so kind as to watch the little girl who kept me strong through my illnesses and see the video, I'd appreciate it summoners.

Regardless, thank you for your time and love to you and your loved ones as well. Give them a hug and tell them how much you care about them and love them, because this taught me they could be gone at a moment's notice without time to register what happened.


- Mando


  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,197 ★★★★
    Awww. My deepest condolences. Growing up, I had a long-haired dachshund(if I'm correct) & they are amazing. I know it's hard to see through the heartbreak right now, but try & remember thr good times. Think about how much better you both your lives were from your time together. Again, my condolences
  • ViperOfChampionViperOfChampion Member Posts: 114
    I cannot fathom the pain you must be experiencing, as someone who has never experienced this before, you truly though have my condolences
  • SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Hard to watch.. pet, animal are just beautiful living creature. Always good to see them getting love
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★★
    Pets have a way of sneaking past our guard and going straight to our hearts.

    I'm sorry for your loss Mando.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,170 ★★★★
    I'm so sorry about your loss, but just know that the forum is here for you. Just remember that while a pet is only with you for a part of your life, you were with your pup through her entire life. RIP, fly high 🕊
  • SlayerOfGodsSlayerOfGods Member, Content Creators Posts: 602 Content Creator
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,542 ★★★★★
    Sorry for your loss man. 😪
    What a beautiful tribute to your puppers you made. She's a cutie!
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,330 ★★★
    I’m sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is when loosing a dog, especially an obviously very sweet dog. And what a great tribute to your puppy.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    What an adorable baby. Sorry for your loss, bud
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,869 ★★★★★
    Condolences. What a pretty puppy!.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,246 ★★★★★
    Rip. Sorry for the loss
  • JLordVileJLordVile Member Posts: 98
    I am sorry for your loss mando. Inara was a beautiful dog
  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
  • DMH525DMH525 Member Posts: 13
    Thank you sharing, started crying immediately. We lost our dachshund a few months ago suddenly and it was awful. I feel your pain. The only time a dog will break your heart is when they leave you. I’ll be having a good day and think of her and randomly start crying. I read somewhere that you have to remember that your dog spent their entire life with you, and they were loved every day. What a beautifully spent life. God bless.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 622 ★★★
    @ThēMandalorian if it didn’t matter it wouldn’t hurt. the pain passeds, but just know the depth of what you’re feeling now is directly proportional to the amazing life you gave her. be sorrowful she’s gone, but grateful of the time you had together.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,315 ★★★★★

    Hello Summoners,

    Some of you may know me as being on forums trying to be vocal at times, supportive at others and helpful when needed.

    I've been struggling for the past 2 days because we lost my baby girl pup and I was hoping you could help me by honoring her and watching my tribute to her I made.

    I haven't been able to even play MCOC since this happened suddenly, out of the blue on Wednesday early afternoon. My alliance has bee supportive and helping with covering my paths for a couple of days so I could focus and grieve.

    So if you could be so kind as to watch the little girl who kept me strong through my illnesses and see the video, I'd appreciate it summoners.

    Regardless, thank you for your time and love to you and your loved ones as well. Give them a hug and tell them how much you care about them and love them, because this taught me they could be gone at a moment's notice without time to register what happened.


    - Mando

    When I saw Inara, i remembered one brazilian song, I don't know if have some correlation.

    My condolences!

    My father had a little Yorkshire here called Theobaldo, but as my daddy's Alzheimer keep advancing ,my sister took Theo to care on her apartment as it would be harder to take care of both here.

    So me and my father miss him so much.
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