Ares boss

I think we've all seen his description and I'm sure I speak for most players in my area that it's complete nonsense. Why Kabam? Are you sure this is the way? I was on brake for almost 2 y and now after only 6 m starting to dislike this game again. this game should be fun. I'm really curious if this boss will be as nonsense as it looks on paper.
If Ares is not fun for you, don't do the quest. It is permanent content, so you can do it anytime you ever wanted to. I also recommend shifting your focus of what you want in the game. To me, it seems like you want the best rewards in the game at the sacrifice of your own fun and enjoyment. I suggest changing the focus to being sacrificing rewards for fun and enjoyment, that will keep the game better for you than rewards. Keep in mind that in 1 year, those rewards will likely be outdated and not worth the effort. Look at Necropolis, it used to be the most rewarding content ever, now exploration of it isn't worth it to most people.
I will give him one chance, if the figth is really hard this content become a don't "waste my time" content as AOL, Necropolis, etc, eventually rank 4 champions will be more available and obtainable with more easy content and there be summoners arguing about how they spent a lot with ares for a rank 4 and now they give rank 4 materials in the easiest way.
I am even sure there are degrees in between those. But we certainly aren’t at community agreement on this content - nor should anyone expect such agreement in this instance
Is this what the fight sounds like?
Follow up question
Are this people you know in this room?