My ex use my rank 3-4 7 star gem and 7 star awaken gem

Me and my ex had a argument , when I completed the epoch of pain I decided to take a break and rest , she took my phone and decide to rank up Hyperion , where I was going to use it for serpent , she knew how the game works and decided to take all my hard work and put it into hype , I wrote a ticket to kabam support but I don’t know if this is fixable , all I want back is the awakening gem and the rank 3-4 gem back , I can grind for the rest , is there any hope ?
Idc about the classes I just want my resources back as the same
All I care is just the rank up gem and awakening gem
Not anything else
If this was real, “she” would have ranked up Venom the Duck instead. Hyperion is a solid choice, but it sounds like you regret it and want to change who you picked.
People ban champs, which they don't want to get as an opponent and very seldom offensive champs
I have also avoided to R4 a dual threat or defence champs, because of that reason. Most people, who got a science rank up gem ranked up Piggy, Titania or Photon. Amongst those 3 Titania would be the best choice because she is a pure offence champ with no worth for defence.
I made a different choice, just to get the chance to play my R4 more frequently.
Anyway, this is the perspective of a BG player, so don't take my opinion too serious, when you do not enjoy BGs