Last Banquet proved to me that whales will never stop, as long there's something for chase, none the matter if chase item is as low as 1% probability or even 0.5%
As much as he is right I don't get it... Whales are whales cause they don't care about rewards and just buy em... Not sure what is a suitable reward for someone who buys absolutely everything in degenerate quantities.
Newsflash: Kabam has always bin behind the 8 ball when it comes to timely reward improvements. Still have no idea why we are getting so many 6 star shards for like 1/2 of the bg's solo milestones .
Real whales aren't making youtube videos or posting on platforms. Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds. They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
Real whales aren't making youtube videos or posting on platforms. Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds. They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
Total bulshit, I whaled all the time and also been active here, well sometimes. Anyhow, I stopped whaling after banquet. That was the last time I spent great chunk of money in this game. Valentines sale, I spent only 500 bucks. I’m planning to cut spending even more if Kabam doesn’t care about rewards overhaul, bring in new EQ difficulties, etc. I’m not even mentioning bugs. I’m not saying everyone should follow the same course, this is my own opinion. Take it as is.
Real whales aren't making youtube videos or posting on platforms. Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds. They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
Total bulshit, I whaled all the time and also been active here, well sometimes. Anyhow, I stopped whaling after banquet. That was the last time I spent great chunk of money in this game. Valentines sale, I spent only 500 bucks. I’m planning to cut spending even more if Kabam doesn’t care about rewards overhaul, bring in new EQ difficulties, etc. I’m not even mentioning bugs. I’m not saying everyone should follow the same course, this is my own opinion. Take it as is.
For every ancient leviathan dragged down by the years and Kabam harpoons, there are 100 young vigorous bulls ready to take their place. Record MCOC revenue in the last quarter speaks louder than any loud disgruntled minority on the social platforms.
So whatever happen to the dude who was #1 in spending and how is he doing.
Or the other whales who got top of the banquet every year like magus? I only know of his name because it gets brought up every year
Epic whale i just watch his channel and openings and like dang so he spend x amount of hundreds to that champ I guess I’ll wait till that champion is in the Titan…or wait tilll next big sale.
Kabam is gonna start selling r4 7* like crazy in 4th July and cyber deals but right now bgs is flooded with people with multiple r4 7*
I gusss I’ll let them have there fun. I just bann them 🙂
Until they have like 4+ r4’s im not worried
Whales wil go even crazier to get r5’s in banquet 2025
They don’t care lol but whales are needed for this game to survive
This is wrong. A nice move (IF happening) to force some needed changes, but, whales should prioritize gameplay. Let s say Kabam gets terrified and upgrades BG rewards, first of all, we all know they re going to give much, way much more to the big, whaling alliances, top GC rewards, and cramps to anyone else, whales will be happy and end of the story. And secondly, end of the story, AI will remain the state it is, the rest of the playerbase will keep demanding to fix it, Kabam won t care since the whales are happy now.
Agreed with some of the video, not with everything, but the general idea is on target. Gc placement rewards have been outdated for like a year. Had they gotten a buff when they first needed it that buff would be outdated by now, which I personally find pretty funny.
Whales are money is no object players that want/need to be on top. They’re not going away unless money stops letting them be on top.
We need them and I absolutely appreciate them.
You clearly don’t know any whales. A lot of us have stopped spending.
It's natural. How many years can grown adults invest so heavily in a mobile game? The record revenue last quarter is driven by newer younger whales with a fresher interest in the game. This is why there is such a disconnect between the disgruntled bitterness of the veteran players on the forum and the unbridled success of MCOC. It's like when senior citizens complain about all the new gadgets like smartphones and driverless cars. They are literally irrelevant to the market...
Whales are money is no object players that want/need to be on top. They’re not going away unless money stops letting them be on top.
We need them and I absolutely appreciate them.
You clearly don’t know any whales. A lot of us have stopped spending.
It's natural. How many years can grown adults invest so heavily in a mobile game? The record revenue last quarter is driven by newer younger whales with a fresher interest in the game. This is why there is such a disconnect between the disgruntled bitterness of the veteran players on the forum and the unbridled success of MCOC. It's like when senior citizens complain about all the new gadgets like smartphones and driverless cars. They are literally irrelevant to the market...
This is the equivalent of people who think certain investments "always go up no matter what".
Whales are money is no object players that want/need to be on top. They’re not going away unless money stops letting them be on top.
We need them and I absolutely appreciate them.
You clearly don’t know any whales. A lot of us have stopped spending.
It's natural. How many years can grown adults invest so heavily in a mobile game? The record revenue last quarter is driven by newer younger whales with a fresher interest in the game. This is why there is such a disconnect between the disgruntled bitterness of the veteran players on the forum and the unbridled success of MCOC. It's like when senior citizens complain about all the new gadgets like smartphones and driverless cars. They are literally irrelevant to the market...
This is the equivalent of people who think certain investments "always go up no matter what".
It just isn't so.
Right, I agree with that. I just have to assume that there is high turnover in the MCOC whale market just due to the nature of the game. Someone who spent thousands of dollars to get the newest 5 or 6 star rank will probably be more jaded about spending that much money again to get the newest 7R4 offers. They've been through this before, and they know that no matter how much money you spend, the game moves on and your investment becomes obsolete pretty quickly. Whereas newer whales don't have that history, and they just look at the game with fresh eyes.
Real whales aren't making youtube videos or posting on platforms. Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds. They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
DamnEpic is a friend of mine. I used to be in Chaos before when it was (SPACE) Force (I helped create that tag). He's a good dude and genuinely cares about the game and he's definitely one of the bigger whales out there in the game.
Whales will never stop their dopamine addiction, because that's what it is, only rehab will stop them, or the game ending. "For Thee and Not for Me" is my supposition, ALTHOUGH the proof is in the #s.
Real whales aren't making youtube videos or posting on platforms. Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds. They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
Total bulshit, I whaled all the time and also been active here, well sometimes. Anyhow, I stopped whaling after banquet. That was the last time I spent great chunk of money in this game. Valentines sale, I spent only 500 bucks. I’m planning to cut spending even more if Kabam doesn’t care about rewards overhaul, bring in new EQ difficulties, etc. I’m not even mentioning bugs. I’m not saying everyone should follow the same course, this is my own opinion. Take it as is.
For every ancient leviathan dragged down by the years and Kabam harpoons, there are 100 young vigorous bulls ready to take their place. Record MCOC revenue in the last quarter speaks louder than any loud disgruntled minority on the social platforms.
That doesn't prove anything, if this cycle continues then some day people will just stop whaling overall because they're gonna find out sooner or later that kabam doesn't care about players and they will just do their greedy sh*t as long as they're getting the money.
Why not just keep the old whales and keep getting new ones side by side and gain maximum benefit but also maybe work a little on the game, fix bugs faster after testing them, fix rewards, listen to the community and don't be greedy with every decision made in every update.
Alot of things in the game are due and need updates and all of them matter greatly but kabam chooses to prioritize some unnecessary UI changes, like yea they're good but what about things that actually matter. No hate towards anyone or kabam just facts and a counter argument to "100 bulls ready to replace an ancient leviathan", a leviathan holds more value than a billion bulls, no matter the size or number, old whales would be more connected towards the game and stay longer.
None of us know anything about this topic. We don’t know if the majority of whales are new or old players, or whether anyone is addicted or how many whales there are, or how much people spend on average. It’s fine to speculate — I do it often — but there’s an excessive amount of conviction here for a topic that no one has any meaningful insight into, at all.
And that's good for game's survival.
Whales are whales cause they don't care about rewards and just buy em...
Not sure what is a suitable reward for someone who buys absolutely everything in degenerate quantities.
Still have no idea why we are getting so many 6 star shards for like 1/2 of the bg's solo milestones .
Too busy enjoying life with their whale funds.
They spend 1000x more on the game than you or me, but they care about it 0.00001% as much.
Or the other whales who got top of the banquet every year like magus? I only know of his name because it gets brought up every year
Epic whale i just watch his channel and openings and like dang so he spend x amount of hundreds to that champ I guess I’ll wait till that champion is in the Titan…or wait tilll next big sale.
Kabam is gonna start selling r4 7* like crazy in 4th July and cyber deals but right now bgs is flooded with people with multiple r4 7*
I gusss I’ll let them have there fun. I just bann them 🙂
Until they have like 4+ r4’s im not worried
Whales wil go even crazier to get r5’s in banquet 2025
They don’t care lol but whales are needed for this game to survive
And secondly, end of the story, AI will remain the state it is, the rest of the playerbase will keep demanding to fix it, Kabam won t care since the whales are happy now.
Wrong, very wrong priorities.
They’re not going away unless money stops letting them be on top.
We need them and I absolutely appreciate them.
You spend a bunch of money on this game and think you know the others?
I clearly don’t know any whales?
GTFO dude.
So stop playing and spending.
The record revenue last quarter is driven by newer younger whales with a fresher interest in the game.
This is why there is such a disconnect between the disgruntled bitterness of the veteran players on the forum and the unbridled success of MCOC.
It's like when senior citizens complain about all the new gadgets like smartphones and driverless cars. They are literally irrelevant to the market...
This past year I have barely spent, and will never spend heavily again.
It just isn't so.
I just have to assume that there is high turnover in the MCOC whale market just due to the nature of the game.
Someone who spent thousands of dollars to get the newest 5 or 6 star rank will probably be more jaded about spending that much money again to get the newest 7R4 offers. They've been through this before, and they know that no matter how much money you spend, the game moves on and your investment becomes obsolete pretty quickly.
Whereas newer whales don't have that history, and they just look at the game with fresh eyes.
Just wait till banquet 2025 and superbroz,magas and all top spenders comeback to spend lol.
I’ll be suprised if superbroz retires and comes back to win #1 spending
But EACH year the spending keeps going up.
When 1 whale goes down another rises
Why not just keep the old whales and keep getting new ones side by side and gain maximum benefit but also maybe work a little on the game, fix bugs faster after testing them, fix rewards, listen to the community and don't be greedy with every decision made in every update.
Alot of things in the game are due and need updates and all of them matter greatly but kabam chooses to prioritize some unnecessary UI changes, like yea they're good but what about things that actually matter.
No hate towards anyone or kabam just facts and a counter argument to "100 bulls ready to replace an ancient leviathan", a leviathan holds more value than a billion bulls, no matter the size or number, old whales would be more connected towards the game and stay longer.