Alright folks, I'm back after fighting Korg myself - his purify chance is effectively down to 0, so he can't shrug those stuns.
Are y'all going for a Parry > LLLL twice to remove his Rock Shield before completing the Raid Prompts?
I'm not saying that the Thorns Damage isn't over-tuned, the Game Team will evaluate everything for Round 2 - but from my understanding, the Thorns seem to be completely avoidable as well.
Help me understand what I'm missing here?
Not to mention, if using someone like Kushala (like I am), can ignore thorn damage completely anyways
This really has me mad big time and dissapointed. I understand this was meant to be hard but these types of issues should not have slipped through i don't blame Karate Mike or whatever the name is for the forums but this does not speak well about kabbam at all. These are the type of issues that made my brother quit the game cause there was always bugs with new content or new update and I feel like I want to quit but I enjoy this game that I want to stay as well. There are zero excuses and I mean zero that these issues are happening. If you didn't test this content the best thing you could have done for yourselves was never to release it in the first place. The fact one person is mainly gotta be the one to take down Korg or Weapon X is just baffling bad, hard in a video game context should mean the player should have a tough time but not a terrible time where they don't even wanna spend money if there will be these types of issues or even there time. I'm honestly tired and clearly kabbam has no leadership ever since Jax left because it felt like there were never these types of issues happening best to memory, all of the sudden when he is gone bugs after bugs after bugs. You guys have done well releasing content and updating the game, but horrible keeping the game bug free!!
Seriusly if you guys have to cut content for a whole month to fix the game i wouldn't even care i rather you do that. Because it seriusly is exhausting that where no longer hyped for the updates but where hype too see which bug do we get too meme this next month. Fix your game kabbam seriusly, for the love of goodness!!
If nothing else, I hope Kabam is refunding raid tickets.
And lost Essence
I imagine that would be hard to navigate from Kabam’s perspective. Those mighty few who are able to complete nightmare should be rewarded compared to those who gave up. Kabam definitely wouldn’t want to give essence to everyone as they are literally taking money out of their pocket by giving extra essence to those who complete nightmare.
If nothing else, I hope Kabam is refunding raid tickets.
And lost Essence
I imagine that would be hard to navigate from Kabam’s perspective. Those mighty few who are able to complete nightmare should be rewarded compared to those who gave up. Kabam definitely wouldn’t want to give essence to everyone as they are literally taking money out of their pocket by giving extra essence to those who complete nightmare.
No extra. 1 essence in regular (simplified) raids and 1 in nightmare ones. 3 essences would have been much fair for nightmare effort
One thought on Korg… instead of/in addition to tuning down the thorns damage, extending the cooldown counter would be beneficial. If there’s a bigger window to focus on completing missions and doing damage, that would make the fight more reasonable.
To add to this, the Penance passive on that right side path also makes Korg stun immune. Aside from catching you off guard the first few times (annoying but fine, it's learnable), it greatly reduces the ability to, as you put it, parry + light + light + light + light to remove the rock stacks. So the right side Korg has two major issues that, combined with overtuned rock stacks thorn damage, all but cap even a fully ramped attacker at 6-8% damage in the short fight window.
If left as is, you're essentially forcing people to use 1-2 champs out of the entire attacker pool just to try to handle this one fight. I don't think that's intended, nor should it be the design.
This is the most important point made about Korg that I've read. You have 30 seconds to complete 10 prompts. But if you have to spend the first 15 seconds of the fight just to get his rock stacks down and his second prompt is MMMM you're in trouble in regard to the block damage since he's now stun immune and hits like a truck even into your block. I blocked a hit while he was stun immune and lost like 20-30% while I had 12 armors on me using an r3 Red Skull.
So, between overtuned content (at best) or bugged AF content with under valued rewards. More of the same from KABAM and two more reasons not to play this game.
One group doesn’t have a single champ that deals energy damage though.. or counters thorns… you can do parry llllll but it’s def not what I would call fair.
Some feedback/questions after doing 2 fights on left and half way through korg:
Need korg counters in each group of champs. vanguard I believe has 0 “good” options for korg.
There are far too many icons to follow at times of this fight. Weapon X especially (first fight in left) had so much going on under the health bar that It was very difficult to track everything (his counter / unstoppable / etc )
The fight timer seems too short, when things go right it takes times , you’re soon into root and things take even more time. 3 minutes isn’t enough anymore.
Rewards are okay. Did two fights on left. Got 4 t4b which seemed disappointing and a full t4a after second , which was nice .. but this is the first time we have these. How long until these are outdated ?
On left side korg goes unstoppable after 4% , is there a timer / icon to know when this will happen?
Some champs seem way better than others , this causes big issues when raids are more difficult. Players have no clue who to use , had two people choose wrong hack leading them to be borderline useless. Buffs should be paired with the champ or allow swapping of those hacks in case of error.
It just doesn’t seem fun to me … revives cost way too much (3x too expensive) , same as healing. Make it hard sure, but don’t charge the equivalent of $10 to revive and heal a champ. Found out Jabari can heal Kush enough to use small revives but without that I am not sure we’d have Jabari down with the available revives , which is a bit less than half the quest , and the easier portion. This is with 3 very good players.
Cost remains quite high to join… which makes any shortcoming of this mode to be more negatively felt.
Please explain how to do the fight with the method you mentioned above when 5 out of the first 6 prompts are throw 4 medium attacks.
And yes, I did light attacks to remove the rock stacks and got whistled down quickly by thorns while doing the mediums to complete the prompts.
That's what you're missing and sorely out of touch on. Yes, you're correct. It was advertising from the get go as difficult. It wasn't advertised as impossible and not fun. Nor was it advertised as "Hey we tested the mode thoroughly to make sure it was launched without bugs."
I tried. I'm not a whale. Yes it's hard and silly but it works. Don't care about prompts during 10 first hits, then do 4 M if prompted. It's long, it's hard, it's not fun but it's the only solution currently.
I don't say it was not bugged (and still over tuned), nor it's fun, nor a good choice (furtermore with an essence if completed), but it's working.
Kabam should have unlock revives inventory cap to allow testing nightmare raids (cuz they obviously didn't) and think before if roster allowed (or players roster, wich isn't all the roster allowed) vs defenders was fair.
I think this suggestion was made 2 RAIDs updates back for whenever they update it and as usual they ignored it.
Over 250 champions and putting Weapon X and Korg as the defenders was the best they could do? Other end-game content is more fun than this and I don't even do end-game content. 🤦♂️
Also 4loki “doing well” in raids makes sense as they are close to kabam in a few ways and are whales / good players. They are more “In the know” vs others.
Lesser informed alliances can make a few mistakes on champ choice and/or champ hack/buff and have an entire alliance hating the mode. It seems like it’s too easy to hit a wall and feel defeated. Could have used better guidance / instruction. CCP videos or from Kabam introducing the content with appropriate instruction / guidance.
I think it’s doable , as is , but things like Korg requiring Mediums to ramp ( from Vanguard ) just feels wrong.
Alright folks, I'm back after fighting Korg myself - his purify chance is effectively down to 0, so he can't shrug those stuns.
Are y'all going for a Parry > LLLL twice to remove his Rock Shield before completing the Raid Prompts?
I'm not saying that the Thorns Damage isn't over-tuned, the Game Team will evaluate everything for Round 2 - but from my understanding, the Thorns seem to be completely avoidable as well.
Help me understand what I'm missing here?
wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t only have 3 minutes to do all that
"Are y'all going for a Parry > LLLL twice to remove his Rock Shield before completing the Raid Prompts?" 10 rock charges : 3 times parrying + 4 L, not twice So at least 15 seconds wasted without doing prompts (if we're lucky enought with him not being passive, lauching SP1, ...) Half time wasted before 30s penance
So i brought r2 og storm as assault. After 1st prompt, it was back to back 3/4 times medium prompts. Guess what?? Thorns damage( shield was down) about 8k-10k tick damage back. i was down to 40% hp in no time with medium prompts back to back seems like a endless loop of deathtrap. What a waste of resources
I found another bug. I wanted to fnish weapon X on my lane and bought a couple of those 200 unit revives. You cant use them. They're in the inventory, but they're not visible in the "revive champ" screen.
Not being able to use 200 Unit Revive issue, Rex already mentioned in another thread that he will get on Development team to fix that when they come into office Tues.
Absolutely ridiculous as a nightmare raid reward.
Not worth the time and resources.
And Iam not even talking about all the bugs.
Nightmare raids are again a huge letdown.
Seriusly if you guys have to cut content for a whole month to fix the game i wouldn't even care i rather you do that. Because it seriusly is exhausting that where no longer hyped for the updates but where hype too see which bug do we get too meme this next month. Fix your game kabbam seriusly, for the love of goodness!!
Just do something to make this right for everyone who is cheated out of resources.
Kabam’s perspective. Those mighty few who are able to complete nightmare should be rewarded compared to those who gave up. Kabam definitely wouldn’t want to give essence to everyone as they are literally taking money out of their pocket by giving extra essence to those who complete nightmare.
3 essences would have been much fair for nightmare effort
Let us have compensation.
Some feedback/questions after doing 2 fights on left and half way through korg:
Need korg counters in each group of champs. vanguard I believe has 0 “good” options for korg.
There are far too many icons to follow at times of this fight. Weapon X especially (first fight in left) had so much going on under the health bar that It was very difficult to track everything (his counter / unstoppable / etc )
The fight timer seems too short, when things go right it takes times , you’re soon into root and things take even more time. 3 minutes isn’t enough anymore.
Rewards are okay. Did two fights on left. Got 4 t4b which seemed disappointing and a full t4a after second , which was nice .. but this is the first time we have these. How long until these are outdated ?
On left side korg goes unstoppable after 4% , is there a timer / icon to know when this will happen?
Some champs seem way better than others , this causes big issues when raids are more difficult. Players have no clue who to use , had two people choose wrong hack leading them to be borderline useless. Buffs should be paired with the champ or allow swapping of those hacks in case of error.
It just doesn’t seem fun to me … revives cost way too much (3x too expensive) , same as healing. Make it hard sure, but don’t charge the equivalent of $10 to revive and heal a champ. Found out Jabari can heal Kush enough to use small revives but without that I am not sure we’d have Jabari down with the available revives , which is a bit less than half the quest , and the easier portion. This is with 3 very good players.
Cost remains quite high to join… which makes any shortcoming of this mode to be more negatively felt.
I will leave more as I can think of it.
Lesser informed alliances can make a few mistakes on champ choice and/or champ hack/buff and have an entire alliance hating the mode. It seems like it’s too easy to hit a wall and feel defeated. Could have used better guidance / instruction. CCP videos or from Kabam introducing the content with appropriate instruction / guidance.
I think it’s doable , as is , but things like Korg requiring Mediums to ramp ( from Vanguard ) just feels wrong.
"Are y'all going for a Parry > LLLL twice to remove his Rock Shield before completing the Raid Prompts?"
10 rock charges : 3 times parrying + 4 L, not twice
So at least 15 seconds wasted without doing prompts (if we're lucky enought with him not being passive, lauching SP1, ...)
Half time wasted before 30s penance
Guess what?? Thorns damage( shield was down) about 8k-10k tick damage back. i was down to 40% hp in no time with medium prompts back to back seems like a endless loop of deathtrap.
What a waste of resources