AI firing specials before their heavy finishes

In aq, I attacked a symbiod right as it was finishing its heavy. It hit me with a sp2 before his animation was even completed. That's not right at all. I catch lag when enemies use specials sometimes and I can't evade or even block. Why not just drain my units away? Might as well with this level of cheating.
Please just spare us from these useless comments when you have no idea what you're talking about...
Anyway it's a bug with the recovery time that seems to be under investigation. Hope we get a fix with the next update.
Oh please. Don't make yourself sound stupid by criticizing people who are right. You can fire off a special between the hits of a heavy attack. Why don't you try it yourself before attacking a guy who is clearly correct?
pot, meet kettle.
I've also had the AI cancel out MY heavy attack with a special. I'll fire a heavy and will get about 60% through the animation (well past the point it would have hit) and the AI fires it's own special as if the heavy didn't even exist.
Sometimes the game gets so bad that the only way I can guarantee a hit is to stun them first. Intercepts fail, combos are interrupted, heavy attacks are ignored (or falsely miss), and the list goes on. Honestly, I won't do the immunity path in Map 5 for this very reason.
I think the issue is while maybe we could do it... human reaction time restraints would not allow us to be able to do it even if the game mechanics would allow us to (so basically the AI has a really nasty cheating advantage when it comes to reaction time and being able to instantly see your move and then decide what to do afterwards in a split second... for example wait for the AI to have an SP1 and then try to intercept and watch just before your punch hits the SP will go off perfectly... same happens when they have an SP3 and you try a Heavy for example, there are may other more subtle examples of when the AI reacts in an inhuman time, so considering that the fact that we "could also do that" is not he point... becasue considering we cannot react that fast we actually couldn't in actual practice even if we could in theory).
You are more stupid than he is then. I know we can fire special attacks during our heavy but this shouldn't be the same for AI since it is a very important opening on stun immune nodes and not only.
I really don't understand this people who probably have no idea on how this game works and think are more clever then others.
I'm really curious to know how long have you played this game and what content have you finished so far.
I know I can use a special while using a heavy, but AI shouldn't be able to do it and it have never been this way. I repeat, leave this tipe of comments to some more expert players if you have no idea what you're talking about. What content have you done so far, Act 2? Have you ever done a tier 1 war? Have you at least done the first path in LOL? I'm really curios who am I talking to...
Ok so the AI shouldn't be able to do it because it's inconvenient for you? Sure pal. Some asskicker you are.
I've checked your posts and discussions, and all of them are you whining and complaining about something, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised you do the same here. But the only stupid person on this thread is you.
If you were a more experienced player you would know that the chance of getting hit by a special is there and you wouldn't set yourself up to get caught by it.
BTW, since you want to run around calling people stupid, it's "it HAS never been this way", "leave this TYPE of comment to more EXPERIENCED players", and "CURIOUS".
Spend less time in the game and more time in school. Screw you and have a nice day.
PS. I speak 3 languages, hope you can do better.