Would You Like To See The Summoner Level Increased?

GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
Pretty self-explanatory. Any suggestions? 70? Higher? Feel free to discuss.

Would You Like To See The Summoner Level Increased? 163 votes

PhillyEaglesSfrankensteinOwGssEtaki_LirakoiGroundedWisdomLloyd_NabbitRotmgmoddyStara99Jiggycg999Dakine86KpatrixOngellRiegelDARKLOKIElblaggaWhododo872N8PSnakeEyes69Golden_GuardianThebgj01 146 votes
JasonMBryantGrinderstakYellsomeFeopaawSWeaponX 6 votes
Vdh2008Dgen411ShrimkinsSnizzbarLoPrestiAddyosAdamdrt2006wSWeaponXCarsonNicholasTheMageHunterManonFier 11 votes


  • X_ScottX_Scott Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    70. 5 lvls nowish, 5 levels pre act 5.4 release
  • ARKANG3L_2099ARKANG3L_2099 Member Posts: 129
    Lvl 100. Max. No further.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Grinder wrote: »
    They've already said that even if they increased the level they wouldn't be adding additional mastery points, so there's no point in increasing the level just for the sake of increasing it with no benefit.

    There are more reasons to raise Levels than Mastery Points. If you disagree, that's fine. The purpose of the Poll is to discuss what we want. Not really petitioning for anything. :)
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    What are the other reasons?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    What are the other reasons?

    It provides another challenge. It also gives us something to use all the XP and Boosts we have after 60. There could be other potential Rewards for hitting Levels, but personally I just like the challenge of advancing.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Also, since it's been so long since anyone has got a level up you should remember there was some pretty good rewards for leveling up. ie. cats, gold, etc.
  • WolfGuyWolfGuy Member Posts: 92
    I would say 'yes' but that would increase the power difference between those who are lvl 60+ and everyone else even more. Plus the xp grind is already tedious enough.

    If they didn't add more mastery points, maybe.
  • Jay_IberoJay_Ibero Member Posts: 265
    If they keep adding additional masteries they will inevitably have to add additional mastery points because otherwise there will just become an increasing number of ones nobody will ever use.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    WolfGuy wrote: »
    Well, sorry you feel that way, but I will continue to post what I want.

    Well, that's disappointing.

    I shudder at this too. All the more reason to avoid the cesspool that can be this forum here at times. Grounded did ask a viable question IMO though, so I'll give him credit for that.

  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    While masteries are the primary reasons for leveling, even once we hit 60 and hit "max" level, they could easily continue to give the other smaller benefits. Most high end people complain about the t4b bottle neck, so give out 1-3 of those for post-60. (They already give 1 out for the last handful of levels as it is).
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Masteries can stay at current level, but I would like 3-5 more points. That would be my trade off for increasing level up to 100, with a t4b and gold at each level increase and a t4c every 5 levels, plus a t2a every 10. The only problem is those of us at 60 have been screwed out of quite a few levels already if the did increase it. We would need to bumped up at least 3 levels with rewards if this was to happen.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I can't see any valid reason as to why it isn't like 100... it sucks that it's capped at 60 especially when you win a war in tier 1 and win... AN XP BOOST! I mean talk about a slap in the face!

    So many include them and are just useless to a ton of players.

    They could add other things for levelling up no one needs more mastery points, as cool as that would be it isn't the reason stopping the cap.

    Hand out a basic, 30 t4cc crystals, a full t4cc, awakening gems, 30 sig stone crystals, there are tons of things we could get to levelling up again and doesn't have to include a mastery point.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Since there are some masteries to be released (the ones with the question mark) there is a high chance that summoner level will be increased.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom at least you're not the only getting trolled on here haha. I like the idea of an increase in level cap for similar rewards to the last levels of the cap but I wouldn't like to see mastery points unless new masteries get added
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom at least you're not the only getting trolled on here haha. I like the idea of an increase in level cap for similar rewards to the last levels of the cap but I wouldn't like to see mastery points unless new masteries get added

    Well, they can try, but if I'm not investing in it, they can't get far. Lol.
    I just think it would be nice to have something else to work towards. Rewards are great, but it feels final to hit the end of Levels and have all that XP floating around. I wouldn't mind 70 or 75. Perhaps more. It would be interesting because the higher you go, the harder it is to increase.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I agree. I thought we would see it with act 5 real ease but I was wrong. It's odd having a story quest where you can't increase your level while playing through it
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I agree. I thought we would see it with act 5 real ease but I was wrong. It's odd having a story quest where you can't increase your level while playing through it

    Yes. I have a feeling the increase will come. I just wanted the thoughts of others.
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Considering they keep adding more masteries, and it blatantly shows more planned upcoming masteries in the frame in the game, I, for one, would love to see more summoner levels, with more mastery points available, added on.

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