Alliance Wars Seasons Discussion Thread



  • Pichu6Pichu6 Member Posts: 3
    Or otherwise there can be three groups of alliances. Alliances above 15000000 base rating placed in 1 group; alliances between 15000000 to 9000000 placed in another n 9000000 and below placed in another with same tiers as mentioned above with slight modifications in rewards
  • ZappZapp Member Posts: 69
    I like this, sound like a great addition to the game. Have to agree though, apart from the top 300 the rewards aren’t very exciting. Sure free stuff, not going to complain, but so swim in T4CC and T4B anyway.

    Also we have to remember that this game is essentially pay to win, especially on the top. So getting in the top 300 will be a $$$ fiesta.

    So mixed feelings to be honest. Looks nice, but the rewards hardly justify spending units in wars.
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    @Kabam Miike will there be a way to see your alliances total score in alliance wars seasons and willtge total score of alliance wars seasons effect where you rank?
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★

    All this does is show they are pussies who can't deal with a decent war

    There was a topic or a remark in a different topic regarding this, they did face off against each other back then; the only true winner was Kabam.

    But back ot: still hoping for ways for solo players to get access to (portions of) these rewards.
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    How will this effect alllys that have a high score in this new aw season
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    Like where they rank after the first season
  • SuperChronaSuperChrona Member Posts: 296
    Why always fixed numbers for rank rewards? It would be better to have a % distribution of rewards. Maybe the top 10 or top 50 is fixed and the rest is based on how many alliances is part of the season and only those that have done 5 or 10 wars are part of the total calculation.
  • Evil_DevilEvil_Devil Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2018
    @Kabam Miike if the alliance has 30 members but only 20 plays 2bgs, are the season rewards will be for all alliance members or only those who joined pervious wars ( or to be specific those who joined last 5 wars)
  • MadMax79MadMax79 Member Posts: 31
    @Kabam Miike To be honest for now we cant really know where will we place or how we will place. The first thought is that the spending alliances will get the best rewards and get stronger and get away even further from the rest of us alliances not willing to spend hundreds of units ( ie real money ) to win a war. Also you matchmaking is very often off.... we are a 12.9mil alliances and last war we were put against a 20mil alliance.. how is that fair ???? Another question is are we getting more mastery points ie more energy ???? I think this is very important for us to fight harder fights !!!
  • CiiicCiiic Member Posts: 5
    So now alliances who only play AW with 2 bg's and dominate are forced to play 3 bg's to remain competitive for rewards.

    The top alliances get better, and the lower ones fall further behind.

    How about seasons for alliances who run 1 or 2 BG's to make it fair for all?
  • SuperChronaSuperChrona Member Posts: 296
    As a leader of an alliance that are maybe ranked around 500 I really hate this new rank rewards. As many already stated the drop of from ranking 300 to 301 is just to big. You are reimplementing the nightmare situation from previous situation where everything was about if you were or were not in a top 300 alliance.

    This has still an effect in AQ where many still are very focus on getting into top 300 in AQ even when the difference between 300 and 301 isn't so big.

    Please rethink this decision. Give out glory instead, so we can make the decision ourself what we want to use our rewards on. This would give more Glory, so all prices in the glory store should be adjusted downwards and introduce those t5b shards.

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  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    I wonder how many of those who posted are aware that this is a improvement from the current AW system. They could have done nothing but they didn’t. This is a step up from the current AW system and shows Kabam’s willingness to move in the right direction. A great start to 2018 and well done.
  • VorvancosVorvancos Member Posts: 22
    Rewards from 301 are just a nice bonus. Mainly because you only get them after two months of many wars.
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    Avi wrote: »
    Hello Team Kabam...
    thanks for new AW Season.. just want to know that, in new aw season you guys will reset war rating or not because some big alliances left their original alliance and create new alliance for easy wars.. now they can again come to their original alliance coz you guys giving better rewards for better rank.. which is pretty unfair for gold and platinum bracket alliance.. hope you will understand us..i am attaching some pic where top alliance left there original alliance and now all members of that alliance is in low tier in aw for easy winsbbihr8nszldc.png

    thats BS, xilem don’t switch the Alliance in an Low Alliance. Xilem goes down because Kabam Change skill war to no skill war

  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    As a leader of an alliance that are maybe ranked around 500 I really hate this new rank rewards. As many already stated the drop of from ranking 300 to 301 is just to big. You are reimplementing the nightmare situation from previous situation where everything was about if you were or were not in a top 300 alliance.

    This has still an effect in AQ where many still are very focus on getting into top 300 in AQ even when the difference between 300 and 301 isn't so big.

    Please rethink this decision. Give out glory instead, so we can make the decision ourself what we want to use our rewards on. This would give more Glory, so all prices in the glory store should be adjusted downwards and introduce those t5b shards.


    I agree. Make 300 something to strive for but the drop off is a little high here
  • lerkdajerklerkdajerk Member Posts: 33
    Omni wrote: »

    I agree. Make 300 something to strive for but the drop off is a little high here

    Get in the top 300. Problem solved.
  • MadMax79MadMax79 Member Posts: 31

    Why is it wrong that players that choose to spend their own hard earned money supporting the game, actually benefit from that? I'm not one of these people, but in every game and in life in general, if you choose to spend more resources (money, time, energy, etc) you get better rewards for doing so. This game cant be 100% f2p or it will stop running, so to keep people spending those people have to see some reason or benefit to carry on spending. What is wrong with that?

    Plus, a lot of top players are f2p, or spend very little, and have got to the top allys by spending more time in the game, grinding and improving. Again, why should others get the same rewards for doing less?

    Plus, we don't need energy for AW, so don't understand the mastery bit?

  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    t5b shards only through platinum is kind of out of touch with reality, it will create an even larger divide between the top alliances. The fact that T1a, T4B and T4C arena's havent been touched in years is also alarming. I feel like my interest in the game is dwindling as of late. I'm a 725K player and everything just takes sooo freakin long to rank up it's kind of boring. Especially when forced to rank for prestige so you can't even rank champs you want.
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★

    Why is it wrong that players that choose to spend their own hard earned money supporting the game, actually benefit from that? I'm not one of these people, but in every game and in life in general, if you choose to spend more resources (money, time, energy, etc) you get better rewards for doing so. This game cant be 100% f2p or it will stop running, so to keep people spending those people have to see some reason or benefit to carry on spending. What is wrong with that?

    "in life in general if you choose to spend more resources (money, time, energy, etc) you get better rewards for doing so."

    Try telling that to the rich millionaires and billionaires who still die from cancer. You might have been right up until you tried to stretch into something other than the game.

    And the game could totally be free to play, if we were willing to accept lots of crummy ads.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    MadMax79 wrote: »


    But... its a thread about war!
  • edited January 2018
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  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    edited January 2018

    OK mate, the ONE area that it cant stop is death. It still helps people with more money live longer and when they are ill get better treatment so again they live longer. So my point is still valid

    The other 99.99999% of life my point is spot on

    I dont think Kabam would go the adds approach tbh, plus straight away you are saying how bad this would be. So, again, my point re f2p is 100% valid? Plus, even with adds, there would be a way to progress faster for payent, there is in every online game as you know. And I said that there are still some f2p top players in top allys because they spend more of another resource (time) and progress faster that way

    So, really cant see one point to your post at all, sorry

    To point out why your response was foundationally incorrect. And I succeeded. Just wish you would do enough already to get banned and go back living under your bridge already.
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  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2018
    @Kabam Miike I am always happy with this type of announcements. More rewards and also resources to improve our rooster. Just two suggestions:

    1. The decrease of rewards per tier are proportional in all the resources and will generate and important difference between allys, just with the first season. Top 3 allys will probably have the option to r5 another 5* champion. So as happens with AQ at the beggining the gap will be impossible for the rest. Can you reconsidered to decrease less resources like t2a at least?

    2. Rewards of AQ needs to be improved. T2a and T5b must be introduced in the same way

  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2018
    @Kabam Miike does the 50,000 point for winning scale with the tier multiplier or is it a flat 50,000 points?
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Dont know it you noticed, but I just proved my point 100% and made yours look kind of silly? Every badly presented point you made was shown to be wrong and immature

    And OMG, your implying im a troll, whatever will I do! And if I get banned, so what matey, I actually have a life

    I think this is the first post of hubris’ that I’ve seen without him calling someone mate! I mean, granted he still said matey but it’s a start right?
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