Alliance Wars Seasons Discussion Thread



  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    How hard it is to provide an answer??????????????????????????

    An alliance has 25 members but each time the war is opened with 1 battleground so only 10 members will participate. This will ensure the victories because those 10 members are the best from 25.
    What will happen at the end of the season with the 15 members that never fought?
    Will they receive rewards equal with those 10 who fought or how is the system set for them?

    Sorry! I missed your question. As long as everybody in the Alliance has participated in 5 wars during a season (in that Alliance without leaving), they will get rewards.

    Keep in mind, you don't get nearly as many points for only running 1 Battlegroup, so you won't be able to climb as high on the leaderboards.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Crackhorse wrote: »

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Thank you for clearing that up Mike. Those will make things better.

    I still think you should consider splitting up Gold1 into two tiers. Right now there are many alliances like mine who will have no chance of moving up or down, which takes much of the sport out of it.

    6 tiers for the top 300 and 1 tier for the next 1200 is a bit extreme.

    I understand what you're saying, but the Gold 1 tier is only extreme looking from the top down. From the bottom up Gold 1 is entirely consistent with the rest of the tiers. From the bottom up the tiers are 3000 places wide until Silver 2, where they narrow to half that width - 1500 wide. That carries all the way up to Gold 1, where Gold 1 would have been 1-1500, except they carved out the top 300 places to make the platinum and master brackets.

    I'm not explicitly opposed to cutting Gold 1 in half (the logical break point would be at about 700) but I don't perceive a need to do it at the moment either. Its at least partially a question of how much competition there will be for those top 1500 spots. Right now it might be hard for someone in the middle of that gap to move up or down, but when seasons start that might change. Its hard to predict now.
  • Swayam18Swayam18 Member Posts: 23
    @Kabam Miike So is it according to tiers then multiplied ?
  • TheDemonTheDemon Member Posts: 159
    @Kabam Miike So war will be down until February 7th? Sorry, if you answered it already.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?

    Gold 1 gets six. So as a practical matter, the maximum amount of stuff you're likely to get from six of those crystals most of the time (apparently there is some RNG, because @Kabam Miike said it was possible to pull a fully formed T2A) should be less than what you get from Platinum 3. So if the black crystal drops both T5B and T2A fragments, on average you should get less than 750 T5B and 3000 T2A per crystal. If the black crystal drops either one or the other, you could conceivably get a little more of one and none of the other most of the time.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Swayam18 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.

    Your war rating will not determine where you start, only your Multiplier. You can see where you stack up there in the Chart in the original post. Your bracket is determined by how many points you win during the Season.

    I'm not fully understanding this. I thought our current rating would determine where we started as far as the multipliers go. How are the multipliers set for week 1 ?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?

    Gold 1 gets six. So as a practical matter, the maximum amount of stuff you're likely to get from six of those crystals most of the time (apparently there is some RNG, because @Kabam Miike said it was possible to pull a fully formed T2A) should be less than what you get from Platinum 3. So if the black crystal drops both T5B and T2A fragments, on average you should get less than 750 T5B and 3000 T2A per crystal. If the black crystal drops either one or the other, you could conceivably get a little more of one and none of the other most of the time.

    Appreciate the response but I wasn’t particularly looking for speculation or guesstimation. Was more looking for an answer from Miike. In any case, the amount is not limited by how much platinum tier gets outright, because platinum gets 10 crystals as well.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike , with this new point scoring system, will it be possible for an alliance in tier 9 to score more points for 100% clearing a map than an alliance in tier 3 who leaves one boss up ?

    I thought you guys had said that you never intended us to 100% every map, but now you implement a scoring system where you have to clear it every time just to stay at your current place.

    Has the math been thoroughly thought out so there isn't a situation where an alliance playing on easier maps can outscore an alliance playing on harder maps ? I would hate to see exploits let me with the zero defender fiasco with the first iteration of diversity wars.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    How hard it is to provide an answer??????????????????????????

    An alliance has 25 members but each time the war is opened with 1 battleground so only 10 members will participate. This will ensure the victories because those 10 members are the best from 25.
    What will happen at the end of the season with the 15 members that never fought?
    Will they receive rewards equal with those 10 who fought or how is the system set for them?

    Sorry! I missed your question. As long as everybody in the Alliance has participated in 5 wars during a season (in that Alliance without leaving), they will get rewards.

    Keep in mind, you don't get nearly as many points for only running 1 Battlegroup, so you won't be able to climb as high on the leaderboards.

    So if an alliance had 30 players, dons 2 groups and then 10 players are left out. Say its a permanent thing, so 5 wars later the same 10 players have not done a war in the season, will this mean that no players in this ally will get and rewards?

    How hard is it to understand what has been said multiple times already? If you as an individual haven't fought in at least 5 wars when the season ends you don't get season rewards. Anyone who has does....... Not complicated, smh.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★
    Sorry if that came off mean it just surprises me how poor reading comprehension is here sometimes.
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    People keep saying, "Rich getting richer". So what? Poor are getting richer too. What do I or anyone else not in a top alliance care if the top alliances have stuff we don't? No different than whining about Bill Gates having a holodeck in his house and about to get a second one. So what? You aren't competing at their level. You won't ever even see those top guys to play against, so why do you care? If it hurts your butt so much, work to get in a top alliance. Such a stupid thing to whine about. Sounding like greedy children, "I can only eat 1 slice of pizza, but my big brother gets 2. No Fair! We should both get what I get (for reasons) or we should both get 2 even though I can't eat it now"

    This ^^^
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Any word on synergies still not working?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Allowing my members to have lives and still having effective strategies seems like it will now cost us.

    Its up to you to decide whether having a life is worth some catalysts and 6* fragments. That's an easy decision for me, and it would be for anyone who actually treats this as a form of entertainment.
    @Kabam Miike is kabam aware that many alliance's are now discussing mergers that involve taking only their members with the best rosters and kicking the rest, which cost the game a huge number of players? I get this will increase profits per player, but won't it actually cost profits due to the amount of players lost or pushed to smaller alliance's? It just seems slightly short sighted to always push immediate profits over long-term loyalty among customers.

    Whenever you add competition, and provide sufficient rewards to make that competition meaningful, you will draw out the best in some people and the worst in others. That's unavoidable, and you shouldn't be beholden to the impulses of the worst players. For any player that isn't a psycho, the new system will give them more rewards for the same level of play, and the opportunity for more rewards with more play on a completely voluntary basis. Players that find themselves with incompatible goals with their current alliance can find new ones or form new ones. The same thing happened to some extent with season three and season four of AQ.

    We can't deny the vast majority of players something nice just because a tiny minority can't control themselves. I'm perfectly fine with an alliance of thirty like-minded people that want to go all-out and take the top spot. Everyone has to have a hobby, and frankly the time and money it takes to take that top spot isn't out of line relative to lots of other perfectly acceptable adult hobbies. We don't ridicule people whose hobby is amateur astronomy or owning classic cars, two hobbies that take comparable or higher amounts of time and money. And I'm perfectly fine with the alliances who won't devote that kind of effort into it, and are willing to just do what they are willing to do and let the reward tier fall where they may. And the people who want more than they are willing to devote effort to get? They need to recalibrate their wants.

    What bothers me the most is this automatic accusation thrown at Kabam whenever they do anything remotely controversial, which is to frame it as Kabam pushing for "immediate profits." I often disagree with many of the details of what they do, but things like expanding and modifying how 5* champions work, the introduction of 6* champions, and the AW season system? These are all *obvious* future development expansions that would be obvious even if this was a subscription game with no microtransactions in it.

    I don't know if this will be a short-term revenue enhancer for Kabam. But adding more strong player competition elements isn't a short sighted maneuver. In the long run, games like this depend for their long term survival on balancing the PvE content of the game and the PvP competitive elements that are usually the ultimate end game of most MMOs. This game is currently extremely light on competition. That's unusual in a game as old as this. That situation cannot last indefinitely. This is a lesson I hope the version 15 Alliance War fiasco taught them.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Swayam18 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.

    Your war rating will not determine where you start, only your Multiplier. You can see where you stack up there in the Chart in the original post. Your bracket is determined by how many points you win during the Season.

    So there is a multiplier for ratings...
    Well top 300 Alliances truely wont move then because they will always get multiplier to start them in better tiers.

    Why stop there? Shouldn't every alliance be unable to go anywhere, because every alliance above them will have advantages in scoring? And shouldn't every player that starts today be doomed to be in the bottom 1% of all players forever?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    It seems like to be even in gold 1 or 2 you will have to 100% every map you play for the entire season, win or lose. I haven't seen anything related to how matchmaking will be determined, if it will still be based on war rating or points standing. Hopefully this has all been thought out by the team and some spreadsheet guys can't find a way to shell and have easy wars that allow them to rack up more points than guys playing it straight and doing the standard where you win a few and lose a few.
  • KotogaiiKotogaii Member Posts: 77
    @Kabam Miike do you have any response at all to the overwhelming negativity? I read through 4 pages of comments and saw only 1 comment defending this system and it was a guy in the top 300. Maybe you dont realize what it takes to get into the top 300 (diddy money and years of playing) which I find it highly unlikely that you dont, or you just flatout dont care whatsoever about the average players. I love the grinding aspect of the game, but even in the top 1500 tier (which will be flatout unattainable for the average alliance no matter how hard you work towards it) it would take 10 months to earn a 6 star!! In the same period of time the top 20 alliances will have earned five 6*s!! Idk what 6* Ratings will be starting off but let's say they start at 5k, the top 20 alliances would gain a rating of 750k in that time period just off of unranked 6*s where top 1500 gain a measly 150k in the same period. This doesn't even begin to cover the exponential increase that would occur because of the top 20 routinely gaining the materials needed to rank these 6*s up. Are you seeing the enormous gap youre creating by having such small brackets and such huge dropoffs in rewards? This system keeps everyone in the same spot they're in. I get that the game has to make money, but you're literally only making the top money spenders happy and giving a huge **** you to the guys who can't afford to throw all their families money into the game
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,585 ★★★★
    I still say the rewards are good, but the issue will temp the alliances that run one or two member pilots to always do it. It will also make the rich richer so this may be the end of my play soon. It's getting silly.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Kotogaii wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike do you have any response at all to the overwhelming negativity? I read through 4 pages of comments and saw only 1 comment defending this system and it was a guy in the top 300.

    I found five separate posters in the first three pages, not counting posters who appeared to be fine with the system but only posted counter-arguments for other players or made quips.

    Kotogaii wrote: »
    I love the grinding aspect of the game, but even in the top 1500 tier (which will be flatout unattainable for the average alliance no matter how hard you work towards it) it would take 10 months to earn a 6 star!! In the same period of time the top 20 alliances will have earned five 6*s!!

    Well of course the average alliance can't reach top 1500 when there are over 30,000 alliances. The average alliance is approximately rank 15000, or about Bronze 1 tier. But you appear to have read the rewards wrong. Assuming the rewards remain the same and the season duration remains the same, a top 20 alliance would have earned three 6* champs in the same time a top 1500 alliance earned one. Rank 20 gets only three times the 6* shards as rank 1500, which doesn't seem out of whack at all. Only one alliance gets 10,000 6* shards for the season, and that's Master 1 - i.e. the top alliance period. Exactly one alliance gets that reward.
  • SuperChronaSuperChrona Member Posts: 296

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Wow that makes the jump even bigger between 300 and 301. WAY TO GO KABAM :-(

    Gold 1 should get 9k alpha tier 2 shards and 2000 tb5 shards. That would be a way for it being more fair and not just a creditcard/unit battle about getting into the execlusive top 300 club!!!!!
  • WhungWhung Member Posts: 36
    @Kabam Miike

    I just have a question. Let’s say I join 4 different alliance within a season. Each of them I do at least 5 wars. At the end. I got 4 different rewards or only the last alliance one ?
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    But 2 months??!! We have to wait ?? 60 days for these rewards...
    Why I’m already tired thinking about it
  • lerkdajerklerkdajerk Member Posts: 33
    Kotogaii wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike do you have any response at all to the overwhelming negativity? I read through 4 pages of comments and saw only 1 comment defending this system and it was a guy in the top 300. Maybe you dont realize what it takes to get into the top 300 (diddy money and years of playing) which I find it highly unlikely that you dont, or you just flatout dont care whatsoever about the average players. I love the grinding aspect of the game, but even in the top 1500 tier (which will be flatout unattainable for the average alliance no matter how hard you work towards it) it would take 10 months to earn a 6 star!! In the same period of time the top 20 alliances will have earned five 6*s!! Idk what 6* Ratings will be starting off but let's say they start at 5k, the top 20 alliances would gain a rating of 750k in that time period just off of unranked 6*s where top 1500 gain a measly 150k in the same period. This doesn't even begin to cover the exponential increase that would occur because of the top 20 routinely gaining the materials needed to rank these 6*s up. Are you seeing the enormous gap youre creating by having such small brackets and such huge dropoffs in rewards? This system keeps everyone in the same spot they're in. I get that the game has to make money, but you're literally only making the top money spenders happy and giving a huge **** you to the guys who can't afford to throw all their families money into the game

    i disagree and ill tell you why. Exactly one year ago my alliance was a 6 mil alliance and not close to being a top 300 alliance. We all worked hard for a year in an alliance that had very little turnover. We still have most of our core but did lose people to having other priorities. None of us have Diddy money or at least I know for sure I dont. We are now a 15 mil alliance and in the top 100. So all I'm saying is if your alliance works hard enough you can get in the top 300. Let the changes take place before you complain. None of us know how it will be and who knows maybe everyone in the top 300 will hate it.
  • Darkness82Darkness82 Member Posts: 275
    This is exciting but for the love of this game kabam don’t make it too long in the future for aw seasons but way to go keep up the good work Kabam
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    edited January 2018
    OMG!!!! The rewards for each match in wars still suck !

    So for any decent rewards you have to wait for 2 months....wth these guys think it would be acceptable to the community.

    Kabam thinks we need to grind for wars for straight 2 months..NO thanks 🙏🏼


  • Nomercy_4_youNomercy_4_you Member Posts: 44
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    The increased war rewards (apart from season rewards) are actually just 50 more shards.... smh.

    Yeah,thats kabam baby,there are know better )))
  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Wow the new rewards for a war victory suck!! What happened to the 4* shards? Will be worse off now in the long run considering 4* dupes give is 275 5* shards. These rewards need to be looked at again. Must be some sort of mistake...
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike can you verify that the split of the old tier 1 into 3 tiers was sorted correctly? My alliance is currently ranked 19 in war rating and placed in tier 3 (.6% - 1%). That would mean with 18 alliances ahead of us, tier 2 consists of around 14 alliances (.2% - .5%) and tier 1 consist of around 4 alliances (top .1%). This is assuming best case scenario where rank 19 alliance is around .6%, it would be even less if there are higher ranked alliances in tier 3. By this logic, the cutoff for tier 3 (top 1%) should be no greater than the top 40 alliances. Just want to verify if that is right.

  • Nomercy_4_youNomercy_4_you Member Posts: 44
    New rewards for AW, ridicilous smal,omfg ,whats going on to the game ,whats happening to kabam? Why your all innovations is such a dissappointing your almost all players,just think about it
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