Should official cutoffs for past arenas be posted?

Think it would be beneficial to all players if the cutoffs were simply officially posted after each arena. Kabam already has these numbers all they would have to do is post the lowest score that got the ranked rewards of each “milestone”
Should official cutoffs for past arenas be posted? 56 votes
I agree. Posting an official score will not alter people pushing for a champion if they really want it.
Cutoffs are meaningless. They are player driven.
Prestige, I agree should be posted in game. Kabam created that metric, and it's not right to keep it "hidden".
Of course they’re player driven, but Kabam obviously calculates them anyway to give rewards. What would it hurt to share that information they already have instead of players having to gather it a 2nd time?
Do players actually gather it, or does it go into some spreadsheet that compiles all the data and then spits out the cutoff that is validated by someone else? I think official cutoffs is a terrible idea. I would rather have a game that works instead of a cutoff list for arena (and remember it would be a cutoff list for every bracket and every arena). That seems like overkill!
I just don't see the point. They are good to see on reddit after the arena is over, but putting them somewhere in game makes no difference to me personally.
To each his (or her) own, I guess.
What happens when that guy that does it retires ?
Also I forgot to mention they should post cutoffs for aliance quest ranking as those aren’t readily available
Yes, I know. Just making a point of how it is not a big deal.
We all rather have a game that works but Kabam has shown they are committed to making new content and leaving the bugs in tact (unless it benefits the players)
But that will never happen.
Never say never!
If enough people back an idea it could actually lead somewhere