June 2nd Android Log In Compensation - Error

Per @Kabam Miike post in reference to this is states players affected were to receive 40 Stamina Refills, however I only received 20. Please advise as I will not claim them to show what I was issued. Thanks!
Here is the proof
Yeah like this is a very usefull compensation
Just claim them now and wait until they give another 30/40
Thanks for the compensation Kind Sir...I mean They are not just pixels to you they cost for u to give a proper compensation
We're still sending out the messages. We said that it should be out by the end of the day.
Thats where u wrong i Bought pixels With REAL MONEY AND TIME
If someone logged on to his account from an Android device...
The only good arena boosts have is u use them for item use literraly thats how i use them
I feel this is a package focusing on a small section of what people couldn't do during that downtime, but beside the point. Can something be done about either how long we can hold onto these refills before the expire or how many we can hold? We grinding for Voodoo cause he was and is a very popular useful champion. The champs coming up less so bar Hyperion. I know me personally I would like to hold onto these for an Arena that catches my eye to a similar amount of excitement as Voodoo. With Vulture, Spiderman Homecoming, Thor 2 so Potentially Hela or Heimdall. those would all be really great ones I would like to grind for instead o f having to settle for a champ many don't want.
They must have been joking when they said an arena of our choice
Also where is the gift to say we're sorry this happened in the first place, 10hrs we were locked out if the game, basically the whole day in the UK.
No biggy just buy an odin pack or better yet buy 2 odin packs to have enough units for the next time the game crashes for 10 hours on hyperion arena