Would you like Gold realm to be permanently added to quests?

The state of the game currently is shifting towards 5* focus. Kabam, it’s time to just make the gold realm a permanent quest in game. I would happily keep buying refills to get my gold stash back up.
Would you like Gold realm to be permanently added to quests? 111 votes
90 votes
21 votes
Because the arena grinders are sitting on piles of gold that they’ve put in tons of hours for..so they don’t want it to be super easy for everyone else.
At least, I think that’s their reasoning
I might not have been clear, I was saying I think that’s why the grinders always vote against them adding gold realms. They don’t want other people having gold who haven’t worked as hard as they have.
But you are right, it is a business and at the end of the day they care a lot more about the spenders than they do about the FTP grinders.
Well, that covers donations. What about ranking up 5*s or leveling a 6*?
Gold is seriously scarce for those of us with jobs and families that can't grind arena, or find the monotony of it off putting. I do t4b, alpha, and hit the milestones on basic. BCs go to donations and at the end of it all, I'm barely ahead in gold.
Yeah I agree. I grind out arena for a few hours every day after work and I get a decent amount of battlechips. 40k per week goes to donations and the rest I convert to gold but it's not nearly enough to rank up all the 5* and 6* coming out. A gold realm weekly would definitely help.
I'm so tired of morons giving this response. we are now primarily lvling up 5 and 6* champs not 4*'s. Takes over 1 million to r3 a 5* and 6*'s are much higher. What good is your 200k per week when at that rate, it takes over 1 month to lvl up a 5* champ??? This type of thinking is what's wrong with the game.
You forgot the fact most people at the area in the game where ranking up 5*s will probably be in an alliance running map5 so donations too.
So 200k a week would allow you to rank up more like 1 every two months.
Ya I guess so, they need some sort of reasoning to justify such an input of their life.
"I haven't seen the sun in a few weeks, but man look at my gold stash, noone is going to take that away from me"
the thing is, if we had that realm permanently it would affect arenas, cause allot of players might stop to put up minimum points, fall out of the rank rewards and increase cutoffs for the percentage based rankrewards.
the fact a 5/6* is expensive to rank... well they cost t2a, t4/5b and t4cc too. some ressources force you to play events, some aq/aw, some arena. if you dont play everyting you will allways have a shortage, if you play all areas of the game gold isnt the limiting factor.
Actual truth to that. Why do I want to see someone rank up their champs and challenge me in different aspects of the game. If they earn it though more power to them if not oh well.
I think it would be fine if the gold realm was every 3 months and for 2 weeks each time
While what you said is logical and true, what is illogical is that you run into people who grind arena and still do not have gold. However, I do not put up 20mill in the arena but do grind most if not all milestones in all arenas consistently *stares at almost 60k fights won in approximately 7 months, and the 200k gold stash*