Lost my Arena Streak without Losing

Watch the Throne - Killmonger Arena. Just went to this Arena to find my Win Streak at 0 and my multiplier gone, even though I didn't lose the series from my last time playing. I've never had this happen before to my knowledge.
It might be visual! Did you run another series to see if the multiplier is back?
Honestly, I thought that too, but didn't know what to do. I think I was at streak 19, and didn't know if I could use my lower rated fighters and win the series. I didn't want to waste my 5-stars if the match was unwinnable and lose out on big points, but also didn't want to use my strongest, highest points and only be getting a 1x multiplier.
I'll try it though and report back if that was the case. I also logged out and back in and it still showed 0 streak and 1x multiplier.